Chapter 2

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I have the honor of watching the boys' game against Team X from a private room within the blue lock building. But when I enter, I find another person there——a boy roughly my age.

He must be Team X's team manager.

"Hello," I greet awkwardly, "I guess we'll be watching the game together."
He nods elusively before turning his attention back toward the window, which is large and allows us to see the entire soccer field easily.

Well, that interaction went great.

My throat feels completely dry as the game officially begins, and the clock starts to count down. However, before much action can occur, the boys on both teams start fighting with their own teammates, competitive over who will be able to take the lead and score the most goals. I sigh, shaking my head out of disapproval.

I knew some of the hard-headed ones would end up making selfish choices on the field after what Ego said about the top player advancing even if the rest of the team loses...

But my heart finally sinks into my stomach when a player from team X with a very strong physique comes charging through the crowd and scores a goal in what seems to be a matter of seconds. His name is Barou.

"Damn it," I mutter underneath my breath, and I notice the other team manager throw me a side-eye.

Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut——I don't want to anger this guy. It already seems like he's in a strange mood.

The rest of the game passes by in what seems like an infinite amount of years. It's difficult to watch from the sidelines as the boys get their asses kicked by a team that, in comparison, has their act together.

The guys definitely have some work to do——but I know they'll come back from this someday. I can feel it.

When there's barely any time left on the clock, I notice Isagi and Bachira exchange a few words; they both look worn out and Isagi seems particularly frustrated. So, when the next play begins, and they manage to drive the ball toward the net with assistance from one another, I feel myself become overwhelmed with hope. Isagi's in the perfect zone to shoot, but then he passes it to Kunigami at the last minute, who... SCORES?!
I jump up and down, clapping my hands excitedly.

They managed to score, even if it was only one point! I knew they could do it!


After the match comes to an end, I wait outside of the locker rooms for the boys to emerge. When they do, I immediately run up to Isagi and Kunigami, who were the stars of the show.

"You did so well!" I exclaim, "I'm so proud of you two."
Raichi rolls his eyes from behind the two of them.

"That idiot should've passed to me and we all know it!" He yells.

I glare at him blatantly before ignoring his outburst. Kunigami bares his teeth and trails behind Raichi, beginning to argue pointlessly with him.

I shake my head and chuckle a bit, Isagi doing the same.

"They're so obnoxious," I whisper, "Especially Raichi."
Isagi nods in agreement and I can't help but smile at him. His eyes look tired, but it makes his face even cuter.

"You looked great out there," I compliment, at which I notice him blush a bit.

He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"T-thanks," he responds, the corners of his lips upturning.

But before either one of us can say anything else, I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. It's Bachira, who's grinning.

"Don't give Isagi and Kunigami all of the credit, Y/N!" He chuckles, "I helped too, remember?"
He raises his eyebrows, a soft expression forming on his pretty face. I playfully ruffle his bouncy hair a little with one of my hands, an action at which he seems surprised, but also happy.

"I know," I say, "Good job, Honeybee."
He sticks out his tongue.

"I like that nickname," he mutters more softly than usual.

Isagi slings an arm around Bachira's shoulders.

"We just have to keep going at it!" He exclaims, "Next time, we'll win!"
"You've got that right," Bachira agrees with a nod.

The three of us keep nearing team Z's room, but then I notice a shadow around the corner. Curious, I slip away from my two friends and investigate to find Chigiri leaning against the wall, arms crossed with his scarlet eyes closed.

"Hey," I say softly, trying my best not to disturb him, "What are you doing out here?"

He opens one eye, and eventually both, turning to face me. His red hair is slicked into a ponytail and it suits him nicely, to put it lightly.

"I was just thinking..." he responds airily, "By the way, I saw you in the observing room alone with Team X's manager."
I swallow hard.

Why is he bringing that up all of a sudden? I'm surprised he even noticed that!
"And?" I urge him to continue, "So what?"
He narrows his eyes ever-so-slightly.

"I don't know if you know, but he kept on looking over at you, even during the game. And after the first half, I saw him slip out of the room for a second. His face was bright red, like he was embarrassed or something."

I feel my eyes widen.

So——is that why he wouldn't talk to me? Because he was flustered by me? But wait–—how does Chigiri know all of this? Was he paying that much attention to what we were doing the entire game?
"Oh," I say nonchalantly, playing the whole thing off, "I'm surprised you noticed all of that, Chigiri."

I can see that my words startle him for a brief second before he reverts to his cool demeanor.

"I'm very observant."
I smirk a little.

"Well, maybe you should've been more focused on your defense than what I was doing with the other team manager in our private room."
His eyes practically pop open.

"Why? Did something actually happen between you two?" He asks, a bit too anxiously.

I shake my head.

"No, but even if it did, why would you care?"
Chigiri sighs, knowing I've busted him.

"I wouldn't. I guess curiosity just got the better of me."

"Oh, okay," I say, tapping a finger against my chin, "Then, actually, I guess I can tell you the truth. We kissed."
I can't help but chuckle when Chigiri's facial expression shifts into one of pure alarm, like I've just ruined his entire day with those few words.

I knew it. He was definitely lying.

"I'm kidding," I admit, before the ruse can go even farther, "I just wanted to gauge your reaction, that's all."
He exhales for a long time, before shutting his eyes and leaning against the wall yet again.

"Damn it," he murmurs, "Even if you weren't messing around, it wouldn't really make a difference in my case."

Here he goes again——being all cryptic like this.

"Whatever you say," I mumble, before backing up a few steps.

"By the way, Chigiri, you look good with your hair like that."
He flashes me a flustered yet flattered glance and I chuckle before walking away from him and entering Team Z's room.

I can't help but smile subtly to myself for the rest of the night, seeing as his hair remains just the way it is until he lies down to go to bed.

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now