Chapter 12

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When I get back to Team Z's room with Chigiri, I'm greeted pretty much instantly by Raichi, who has an excited look on his face.

"Ha! You're late! We're going to play truth or dare!"

I feel a bit of anxiety swell in my chest.

I hate truth or dare, especially in large groups of people like this. This isn't going to end well.

But reluctantly, I follow Raichi over to the circle of boys sitting down on the floor, seeing as everyone seems to be joining in the ridiculous game. Chigiri takes a seat next to me, so I find myself between him and Isagi—two of my favorites.

I'm so lucky right now!

"Alright, Y/N is going first!" Raichi declares, and I roll my eyes, "And I get to be the asker!"

The shark-toothed maniac points a finger in my direction.

"So what's it gonna be? Truth or dare?"

I know better than to pick dare when it's this idiot I'm answering to.

"Truth," I state firmly, and he scoffs, clearly annoyed.

"Fine," he grumbles, "If you had to kiss one person in this room, who would you choose?"

Shit! I should've known he would do some bullshit like this! Why did I agree to play this damn game again?

I glance around and see all of the boys waiting anxiously, specifically the three who have feelings for me.

"Um..." I stutter, trying to delay the answer, "I would—"

But before I can say anything, Isagi cuts me off.

"Don't answer that, Y/N," he spits, "Raichi's just being an asshole. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with."

Raichi clenches his fist tightly, as though threatening Isagi with it.

"Stay out of this," he growls.

"No, Isagi's right," Chigiri speaks up, "You're trying to humiliate her. Just ask someone else."

The shark-toothed boy rolls his eyes.

"Fine," he relents, "Isagi, truth or dare, asshole?!"
The blue-eyed boy sighs heavily before saying:


Raichi crosses his arms tightly, thinking to himself.

"If you had to hook up with one of us, not including Y/N, who would it be?"

This question catches Isagi completely off-guard, although the rest of the boys, along with myself, can't help but snicker as we wait anxiously for his answer.

"Probably Kunigami, Chigiri, or Bachira," he says after a moment's contemplation, "Although I don't see how that's very interesting."
Raichi and the rest of us begin laughing lightheartedly amongst one another.

"No wonder why you're always passing the balls to them!" He exclaims, clearly insinuating something else.

Isagi slaps him hard on the back.

"Stop it!" He insists, "It was just a hypothetical."

Soon thereafter, everyone dies down and the rest of the game flies by fairly smoothly. Everyone knows not to take things too far, except for Raichi, of course.

But then, a crinkling sound fills my ears and I glance to my right to see Chigiri opening some of the Hershey's kisses I gave him earlier in the cafeteria.

I'm glad he's enjoying those... I still feel kind of guilty for messing around with him like that.

"Hey!" Bachira speaks up out of the blue, pointing toward the chocolates in the red-head's hand, "Did you trade your goal for those too?"

...My heart sinks so quickly that it nearly breaks into a million pieces on the way down.

Shit! I didn't think this through at all! Why am I just now realizing that it may not have been the best idea to give those to Chigiri when Bachira gave those kisses to me as a gift?!

"No," Chigiri answers before I can say anything to distract the two of them from engaging in this inevitable conversation, "Y/N gave them to me. I don't know where she got them from, though..."
I clench my eyelids shut as I curse internally before courageously glancing upward at the two boys, immediately matching Bachira's honey gaze.

"Oh," he practically whispers, "I see..."

He attempts to smile at me but then turns away, clearly disheartened after seeing that I re-gifted the chocolates to another one of my romantic interests.

What should I do? Maybe I should explain everything to him? No——if I do that, he'll know that I was trying to kiss Chigiri in the cafeteria and that would be way too humiliating! I'm sure he'll get over it soon enough. He's too optimistic and playful not to.  

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now