Chapter 14

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"I see you're getting along well with Team Z's players, Y/N."

I'm on the phone with Ego, who decided it would be a good idea to call me at 7 in the morning for some reason.

"Today, I'll be starting them on an intense physical training schedule, and then the second selection will begin."

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose softly as I try to suppress a headache. I didn't sleep at all last night, and dozed off only an hour or so before Ego called.

"Okay, sounds good, I'll let them know. And I'll make sure they stick to the schedule, if you send it to me."

I can practically hear him push up his boxy glasses as he nonchalantly says, "Will do," and then hangs up the phone.

When I set it down, however, I find Isagi sitting upright in his futon, half-awake.

"Hey, Y/N, good morning," he whispers, so he doesn't wake the others, "Was that Ego just now?"

I nod a single time, unable to keep myself from fawning over Isagi's morning appearance. He's so groggy and cute when he first wakes up!

"Yeah it was," I answer, clearing my throat as I try to stop myself from thinking about what it'd be like waking up beside Isagi's tired face every morning, "You guys are going to be starting a pretty intense training program before you're allowed to move onto the second selection, evidently."
The blue-eyed boy rolls his eyes before collapsing back onto the mattress, whining softly.

"That's so unfair," he complains, "I knew he would pull some shit like this."
I chuckle gently and lean over him, tapping him on the nose playfully as I hover only inches above his face. He scrunches it and I nearly die.

He's so pretty, it's insane!
"Don't worry too much," I assure him, "It'll only be for ten days or so. And on the last day, I'm going to beg him to let you guys come with me to one of my favorite places later that night. I know it would mean leaving Bluelock, but it'll be my very last day as Team Z's manager, so I'll bribe him with anything I can to make it happen. No way I'm leaving without a memorable goodbye."

Isagi's eyes widen as I reveal my master-plan to him.

"Well, if you're going to be gone after it's over, I hope training goes by so slowly that it feels like every second is worth an entire hour."

His kind, gentle words begin to heal the wound that was left in my heart by someone else the night before. And I find myself a little surprised when he reaches up to touch my face, the rest of his body still on the futon, hair splayed on the pillow.

"You're gorgeous," he whispers, "Even when you're barely awake."
I feel my face heat up with embarrassment as he tells me this.

"Don't be so cringy," I reply.
He smirks with a small chuckle, but then I find myself leaning into him, realizing how close the two of us have really gotten. And before I know it, I'm placing a few soft yet deep kisses onto his pretty lips, although I find myself a bit underwhelmed.

That was so much different than I imagined it would be... Maybe it's just because of how early in the morning it is. After all, my senses are probably still dulled from the restless night I had.

When I pull away, his eyebrows are raised with shock, and his cheeks are a bright red color.

"That was unexpected," he comments, and I laugh a little, "Do it again sometime."

Yes, next time it'll happen when I'm more awake.

"Should we plan for tomorrow afternoon?" I ask, teasing him and he shakes his head playfully.

"I'll put it in my calendar, Y/N," he murmurs.

Soon, the rest of the guys wake up, and our intimate moment comes to a close as quickly as it had begun. The two of us know better than to do a bunch of PDA, specifically due to Raichi.


I blow a loud, shrill whistle, signaling for the boys to begin their drills. First up is an intense cardio session that resembles The Pacer, an intense training method that requires the participants to run back and forth, getting a bit faster each time they hear a "beep" come over the intercom.

"Pick up the pace!" I shout, as some of the players, especially Igaguri, begin to fall noticeably behind.

I continue yelling at them knowing damn well I would fail if I were the one being tested. I hate cardio.

During the last few rounds, I can't help but swallow hard as the boys are now covered in sweat, meaning drips are falling down their faces, causing their hair to stick to their skin.

That's so hot, I can hardly focus on my motivational words of encouragement.

"Keep it up, you're almost there!" I manage to shout, and the final beep plays, signaling that The Pacer exam is only seconds away from coming to an end.

After the test is concluded, all of the boys have a five-minute break, and they hustle to get water from the cups I filled before the training routine started. I hand-deliver one to Chigiri, who excelled the most when it came to The Pacer test. After all, he's fast and has great stamina.

"Thanks, Y/N," he says with a smile, his hard breathing making me feel some type of way, "I appreciate it."
He downs the water in a single gulp and runs a hand through his long, red hair.

Damn it... It's my greatest weakness when he does that.

"What's next?" He asks anxiously, "Sprints? A timed mile?"

I shake my head.

"Core training," I relay, and his face falls.

"Seriously?" He complains, "That's totally not fair. I hate muscle work."
I snort a bit.

"Well, you're in for quite a wild ride then," I mumble, "Unfortunately, it'll be taking up nearly half of the workout regimen. You boys need to improve your physiques."
They really don't——they all look incredible. But I can't help but love watching them workout in their skin-tight uniforms. I'm starting to think that I'm a bit of a pervert these days.

"Then, just watch me, Y/N," the red-head boasts, "I'll lift double what I can now by the end of the week."

I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Alright, let's make a bet, because I highly doubt that. If you don't succeed, I want a private date in the hot-spring with you. Just the two of us. And if you succeed, you can choose a prize."

Chigiri's face flushes momentarily before a smirk appears on it.

"Well, either way, I'll be winning if your prize is a hot-tub date. But what I really want is a kiss from you," he states firmly, "The one I was hoping to get last night."
This catches me off-guard, but makes me excited all the same.

I extend a hand out to the red-eyed boy.

"Shake it," I encourage him.

When he does as asked, I lean in close to his ear and whisper, "Hyoma Chigiri, we have a deal."

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now