Chapter 1

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Later that night, I have a bit of trouble getting the boys to go to bed on time, or rather, some of the boys. I keep reminding them that their match is going to be the next day, but some of the stubborn ones, like Raichi, don't really seem to care. Others, on the other hand, want to get some extra-practice in. And so, I give up on enforcing bedtime like Ego had instructed me to do, even when all of the lights go out. Instead, I lay down on my futon, which somehow got sandwiched between Isagi's and Bachira's. Not that I'm complaining. They're both cute and have good personalities.

Eventually, the rowdiness coming from a few players dies down and the room is filled with the sound of snoring and heavy breathing instead. I, however, don't manage to fall asleep for quite some time, because one person (Raichi) keeps clearing his throat loudly even while he's asleep! How is that even possible?!


In the middle of the night, I'm pulled out of my slumber when I feel something warm against my body. Or, rather, someone. Delirious, I look downward to see Bachira's head resting only inches above my chest.

What is he doing?! Did he roll onto my futon while he was sleeping?

Horrified, I try to push him off of me but he's fast asleep and won't budge.

But then I realize, I'm the one on his futon!

Damn it, I never knew I was such an active sleeper!
As I try to move him off of me yet again so I can escape back to my own futon, he stirs and I watch in terror as his eyelids flutter open. He props himself upward, looking at me through the darkness with his big, honeycomb eyes.

I sputter, realizing how terrible this looks.

"Y/N?" He murmurs, his voice sounding extremely tired, "Why are you in my bed?"

I nearly scream out of embarrassment.

"It's not what you think, I swear!" I whisper loudly, "It was an accident, I——"

"Did you need a hug?" He asks, completely serious.

This strange question makes me fall silent.

"Sometimes, when I feel lonely, I need a hug," he continues, "But I don't have any friends, so I just hug myself... Or my mom."

I frown. For a guy who's always happy, Bachira seems to have had a fairly sad life experience.

"So, do you need one?" He asks again, almost sounding hopeful.

A smile creeps onto my face and I nod.

"Sure," I accept, "Why not."
He beams brightly before practically leaping into my arms, squeezing me tightly as he embraces me. It feels surprisingly nice, and comforting.

When he pulls away, he pats my head softly, gently.

What a weird guy. I already like him, though.

"There," he whispers, "Feel free to ask for a hug anytime, Y/N!"
As I awkwardly return to my futon, I find myself grinning, surprisingly.

"Same here," I murmur, "Goodnight again, Bachira."


The next morning, I oversee breakfast, making sure the boys get their correct portions and whatnot. After all, they have their first big game coming up today. Thankfully, I have the pleasure of receiving gourmet food since I'm a team manager–—a tray of deliciousness is reserved especially for me.

Each long table in the cafeteria seats twelve people, and so I claim the seat to the right of Isagi, since every other chair is occupied. But when I sit down, I notice his eyes dim when he looks upon the delicious meal on my plate.

"That is so unfair!" He complains, loudly, "You don't even play soccer, and you're getting served a meal like that?!"

I flick his forehead playfully, having become more comfortable teasing the boys since we've spent some time together by now.

"I'm team manager," I remind him matter-of-factly, sticking a bite of food in my mouth, "Dealing with you eleven more than qualifies me to have this meal."

He pouts and I feel my heart melt a bit.

"Please... can I have just a little? How am I supposed to play soccer when I'm low on energy?"
I open my mouth to retaliate but eventually fail as I stare into his sea-like blue eyes and they make me cave.

"Fine!" I exclaim, shoving my tray in his direction, "Have some! But leave some for me, I mean it!"

When he smiles brightly, I can't help but beam a little myself.

"Thanks, Y/N, you're the best!"

I observe as Isagi begins to devour his portion of my meal, but then a pair of yellow eyes appears right beside me, and I nearly jump out of my own skin as Bachira's cheek rests only inches away from my own, and a mischievous grin spreads across his face.

"Hey," he says slyly, "I want some of that too!"
Great, what have I gotten myself into? I'm not the lunch lady!

"No!" I state firmly, "Go away!"
I teasingly push Bachira away from me and he frowns, making me feel a bit guilty. But just as I'm about to give into his manipulative tactics, just like I had with Isagi, he snatches my tray from me and runs to the opposite side of the cafeteria.

"You little asshole!" I shout, which evokes a laugh from him as he dashes away.

I contemplate chasing after him, but am inevitably too lazy. So, I sigh and rest my chin on my palm, leaning against the table.

He has way too much energy.

"Thanks for sharing with me," Isagi says out of the blue, "I appreciate it. Really."
His tone is much more serious than it was earlier, and as I glance at him, I'm momentarily caught off-guard by his beauty.

"It was my pleasure," I mumble, barely able to talk correctly, "You can share every meal with me if you want, Isagi."
I'm such an idiot! I was too focused on how cute he is and didn't even realize what I was saying!
The blue-eyed boy tilts his head adorably to the side and grins brightly.

"I'd like that a lot!"
I nearly find myself lost in Isagi's smiling face until the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight.

I can feel someone's eyes on me.

I look instinctively to my right and notice Chigiri, the pretty redhead, gazing in my direction. When I catch him staring, he immediately turns away, eyes full of shock as his cheeks flush a light pink.

I wonder how long he's been looking at me like that. Maybe he does want to be my friend after all...

But my heart sinks a little when he silently excuses himself from the table and walks away without so much as another glance, red hair swaying ever-so-slightly with every move he makes.


The sound of Isagi's voice pulls me out of my trance.

"Are you okay? You spaced out for a minute there."
I nod once and smile softly to assure him I'm quite alright.

"Don't worry about me, okay? You need to be thinking about the upcoming game. Only a few more hours now."
I feel a bit of nervous energy filtrate into Isagi's nerves, although there is excitement in his eyes, as well.

"We're going to win!" He exclaims, determination within his voice.

I nod emphatically in agreement, hopefully providing him with a little extra motivation.

"You bet!" I affirm, "Now, let's head back, yeah? I just have to clean my space first..."
I reach for my tray but then remember——

"Oh, yeah," I murmur, "The honeybee took it."

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora