Chapter 20

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The morning of the final day of the boys' training, as well as my last day of Bluelock, is met with both excitement and sadness. On one hand, everyone's excited for tonight's outing at my favorite 16 and up club, but on the other hand, the boys know it'll be the last time they see me until Bluelock comes to an end.

The day goes by in a fairly straightforward way, and I find myself able to smile more than usual, knowing that tonight's going to be a great time. And then, when the sun begins to set, it's time for the boys and I to leave Bluelock for the evening and head to the club.

In the girls' bathroom, I change out of my normal clothes and slip on a dress that I brought along (I may have overpacked a little, but now I'm thankful for the extra outfit). It's my favorite dress and it shows off my beautiful body nicely. Earlier, I told the boys to change into something a little more appropriate too——and since most of them brought casual suits that they packed when first coming to Bluelock, that worked out well. (Everyone packed a suit except for Igaguri). All of them should be looking sharp by now, and ready to go.

After smiling at myself assuringly, I step out of the bathroom, holding my head up high with confidence, knowing that I look stunning. When I enter Team Z's room, I find Isagi and Chigiri talking to one another in the middle of it. They both look very handsome in their suits. Chigiri's eyes widen when he sees me.

"Wow!" He exclaims, as I approach them swiftly, "You look great, Y/N!"
He tugs on the sleeve of my dress, observing it.

"This fabric is really nice," he comments, making me chuckle a little bit.

Isagi nods approvingly as he gazes at me.

"He's right, you look amazing in that dress!"
I smile bashfully at their compliments.

The truth is, I got all dressed up like this so I can hopefully impress a certain someone. I just know he'll be staring at me out of the corner of his eye, even if he doesn't come out and just admit that I look hot.

Chigiri's smile fades as he looks away from me momentarily, staring at something, or someone, else.

"What is it?" I ask, concerned all of a sudden.

"You're in trouble," he mutters matter-of-factly, a taunting grin on his face,"Good luck not being a flustered mess all night."
I turn around apprehensively, swallowing hard, before I make eye-contact with Bachira, who has just entered the room.

He has his black and golden hair slicked back into a half-updo and his suit is form-fitting in the most perfect way.

This is worse than the skin-tight training uniform!

I grab my cheeks as I feel them heating up, but then can't help but smirk as his eyes scroll up and down my entire body, from head to toe.

At least I'm not the only one being caught off-guard here.

But I'm surprised as he approaches the three of us nonchalantly.

"Hey guys!" He greets happily, "I'm so excited! I've never been to a club before."
Isagi slaps Bachira on the back encouragingly.

"You'll have a great time," he assures his best friend.

Silently, I clear my throat, trying to regain my composure as we engage in a brief conversation.

"We should go," I suggest, "The bus is already here, waiting for us."


The bus is parked right outside of Bluelock's entrance. And Team Z is buzzing with excitement as we all file onto it, looking forward to the change in scenery.

Chigiri and I are the first two to step on, and then Isagi and Bachira. As we head to the back of the bus, I expect the red-head to sit next to me but instead, he pulls Isagi into the booth opposite me, forcing him to sit beside him. And so, Bachira ends up smiling awkwardly at me before joining me in my booth. Across the way, Chigiri gives me a wink as if to say, "I've got your back."

Damn... he's become my personal wing-man at this point.

I try to keep my gaze facing forward, rather than stealing glances at Bachira, as the other boys slowly enter the bus. I keep my body stiff, feeling too nervous to even move a muscle.

Agh... My stomach hurts... I don't know what to say to him... So awkward...

"I like your suit!" I blurt without thinking, "And your hairstyle!"
I say this all without making eye-contact a single time.

"Thanks!" He responds brightly, "I like your outfit too!"
I grasp my knees tighter as I lean over them due to my anxious demeanor.

"You don't need to be scared of me, you know," he states softly enough so the others can't hear, "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me."
"I'm not!" I insist, looking up at him for the first time, "I just get motion sickness really easily."

In all honesty, that's not actually a lie. Driving can often make me feel very nauseous.

"Really?" He whispers, "Me too. I always feel like throwing up, especially on buses."
I frown deeply.

He seems like the kind of person to have a weak stomach, for some reason.

"Want to hold my hand?" I ask innocently, presenting it to him, "It might help."

He glances down at it, then up at me, before reluctantly accepting it, interlocking his fingers with my own.

I can practically taste the skepticism radiating from his entire body. And even if he plays it off well, I can feel his pulse quicken the longer we hold hands. Soon, the bus takes off and its tires start rolling over pavement, heading toward the city, where the club is located. I feel myself relax more and more with every passing second, especially since I'm holding hands with the person who brings me more calm than anyone.

This feels right... How did I not realize he's the one I'm supposed to be with long ago? Looking back, it's kind of obvious. Stupid Y/N.

From my angle, I'm able to see a car pull out in front of the bus, illegally cutting it off. And I find myself ripping my hand out of Bachira's and putting it protectively on his chest, holding it back so when the bus brakes, the recoil doesn't cause him to hit his head against the seat in front of us. Of course, I'm not so lucky, and end up banging my forehead against the back of the booth in front of me.

"Ow," I whine, touching the tender spot, "I'm definitely going to have a bruise."
I look over to find that my hand is still on Bachira's torso, and quickly rip it off.

"Sorry!" I exclaim, "It was a reflex, I——"
He furrows his brow.

"Why'd you do that?" He asks softly.

"I could see out the window that a car was going to cut the bus off, so I knew it was going to step on the brakes super fast!" I frantically explain, "I just didn't want you to hit your head——it was a reflex, I swear! I wasn't doing anything suspicious!"

For the first time in eleven days, his honey eyes soften at me the way they used to before I made the huge mistake that caused a rift in our relationship.

"Thanks, Y/N," he whispers.

I shake my head, unable to keep my lips from turning upward.

"Of course."

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now