Chapter 7

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After the interesting bath experience, I'm on my way back to Team Z's main room when I'm tapped on the shoulder by someone. I turn around and my eyes widen when I realize that it's Chigiri, which is unexpected. I think this is the first time he's been the one to approach me, rather than the other way around. But, of course, I'm still angry with him after what he said to me the other day.

"What?" I ask firmly.

He glances down and a few drops of water fall onto the ground from his wet hair.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he says softly, "I shouldn't have said what I said to you. I didn't mean it at all, I swear. And I definitely didn't want to make you cry."
I raise an eyebrow, starting to feel a bit more willing to hear him out.

"Okay, well, if you didn't mean it, why did you say it?"

He sighs for a long time before speaking again.

"The truth is——I was embarrassed. A year ago, I tore my ACL in my right leg. And the doctor told me that although it's healed, if I injure it again, I'll probably have to quit playing soccer. So, that's why I stayed on defense until today. That's also why I tried to push you away——all the other guys had their chance to shine on the field, and I was up there looking like a complete weakling in front of you. I was so embarrassed and I didn't want you to see me like that because, well, I like you——in a romantic way."
Holy shit.

Chigiri's face flushes a bright red that nearly matches his eyes and hair.

"I was scared you wouldn't see me in the same way you do everyone else," he continues, "And now that I've finally gotten over my fear, I'm not so afraid anymore."
He smiles warmly at me and I think my heart might melt at the sight.

"I had no idea," I murmur, "I'm sorry that happened to you, Chigiri. And I forgive you. I'm glad you decided to tell me the truth."
He shyly twirls his hair with a finger.

"About what I said," he practically whispers, "I do like you romantically, Y/N, but I know you have feelings for Bachira, or Isagi; I can't quite tell which one, but——just ignore what I said, okay?"

I shake my head insistently.

It's true——I like Bachira and Isagi, in a romantic way. But I also feel the same about Chigiri! I can't help it that there are so many pretty, sweet boys at Bluelock! I wasn't expecting the team to have even one cute guy I would end up crushing on, let alone three!

"You underestimate yourself too much," I state, approaching him so we're closer together, "Any person would be crazy not to think you're absolutely gorgeous."

Damn... I really just came out and said that, huh?

Chigiri's eyes widen as he becomes flustered and turns around to cover his face with his hands so he can hide his obvious blush.

"You really mean it?" He mumbles.

"Of course," I assure him.

When he gains the courage to face me again, he has a beam on his lips.

I really like this new side of him.

"Let's change the subject," he suggests before things can escalate any further, "I was going to ask you if you would be willing to help me dry my hair, because I can't reach the back."
I nod happily.

He's giving me an opportunity to run my hands through those gorgeous locks? I would be a complete idiot to say no!

"Yes!" I say a bit too anxiously, "I would love to!"


Back in Team Z's room, I instruct Chigiri to take a seat on the floor as I plug the blow dryer into the wall. Then, I stand behind him and start drying his hair, gently massaging it as the air rushes through it.

I'm in heaven.

His hair becomes softer and softer until it's nearly all the way dry, but then someone approaches us and grabs the plug out of the wall. It's Isagi, which is surprising, since he's usually so even-keel.

"Isagi?" I say, "What are you doing?"

Chigiri grits his teeth.

"Hey!" He exclaims, "She wasn't done yet!"
He glances over at me with big eyes, and I can't help but fall under his spell.

Those big blue eyes–—damn it, I can't ever resist them.

"Can you do mine after?" He requests, and I notice Chigiri frown.

How could I say no to him? I get to touch another cute guy's hair? Am I the luckiest person in the world?

"Sure," I accept, trying my best to remain calm, "Of course."

Isagi's face lights up and he leans against the wall after plugging the dryer back in, eagerly waiting for his turn. Once Chigiri's hair is completely dry, I run my hands greedily through it a couple more times before telling him he can get up.

He sighs and smirks at me.

"And here I was thinking I would have the chance to occupy the rest of your time today," he whispers softly enough so only I can hear, "I'll see you later."

Butterflies erupt in my stomach as he says this, but then Isagi sits down and I'm faced with an entirely new reason to get excited.

"My turn!" He says with a grin.

I nod and turn on the dryer, stroking his thick, blueish-black hair with my fingertips. He closes his eyes as I work my magic and I can't help but chuckle lightly to myself.

Both of us are enjoying this way too much.

Isagi's hair doesn't take as long as Chigiri's to dry, since it's much shorter, but when I'm (sadly) nearing the end of our blow-drying session, I'm tapped on the shoulder and turn my head to see yet another familiar face.

"Hey, Honeybee," I greet happily, and he smiles in return.

"I see you're a hairstylist these days," he teases, and I roll my eyes playfully in response.

I smirk at him.

"Let me guess, you want me to do your hair too?"
He shakes his head once.

"No, I'd rather do something fun with you. It'd be so boring just sitting there while you dry my hair. I don't want to sit still for that long. So let's play together later, okay?"
I nod a single time, assuring him that we will hangout later.

After Bachira skips happily away and I turn my attention back toward Isagi, his eyes are narrowed.

"I've finally figured it out," he states, as I shut off the hair dryer, "We all have feelings for you——Bachira, Chigiri and I."
I gulp.

Isagi too? I assumed so after he kissed me on the cheek, but this confirms it verbally.

"I know," I admit, "But please don't be mad at the others, Isagi——I know you're friends with both of them and I don't want to come between that."
He shakes his head as he stands up and rests a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N," he says softly, "Whoever you choose, I'll be okay with. And I know the same goes for the other two also. We respect you and one another, so we'll all be understanding when you make your choice. But don't get me wrong——I will fight to be the one who wins you over."

He smiles at me before walking away, joining up with the other guys. For some reason, his words make me feel more at peace, like I don't have to worry about ruining relationships or causing a rift between teammates. The pressure's off.

What a relief. 

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora