Chapter 17

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The next morning, I call Ego after I wake up.

"Good morning!" I exclaim happily, ready to bargain for the opportunity to take the boys out to my favorite hangout spot the night of the last day before second selection. "Why are you calling me? I'm trying to eat my ramen for breakfast," he complains.

I roll my eyes but keep the tone of my voice super sweet.

"I'm wondering if I can take the boys to my favorite hangout place on the last night before the second selection begins?"

There is a bit of silence before Ego gives me a resounding "No."
I grimace at this.

"Please!" I beg, "I may never see them again after I leave here! I'll do anything you want! I'll even get you free unlimited ramen for a year, because my parents own a ramen shop!"
I hear him pause after my ultimate bribe is put forth. And he sighs.

"Is it made in-house?" He asks.

Yes! I've got him!
"Yeah, my parents are great cooks! Everything on the menu is made from scratch," I inform him.

I can practically hear him grin as another short silence ensues.

"Alright, you've got yourself a deal, Y/N," he tells me, "You have one night to go wherever you like with the boys on Team Z. And I expect you to cash in your end of the bargain too, got it?"

I nod frantically, feeling relief wash over me instantly.

"Yes!" I agree, "Thank you so much! I promise you won't regret it!"
Before I can say anything else, the call ends as Ego abruptly hangs up the phone. I nearly scream out of joy as I realize my mission was a complete success. My parents might scold me for making such a deal, but it'll be worth it in the end.

As I set my phone down on my futon, I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see that it's Isagi, who has just woken up himself.

"Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you, but we've been so busy that I haven't had time," he relays, and I feel myself tense up.

His tone of voice is so serious.

"What's it about?" I ask, swallowing hard as my anxiety grows.

He glances bashfully at his lap before glancing up at me again.

"Something's been bothering me——I can't help but think that when we kissed, you were disappointed," he mumbles softly, scratching behind his head, "It seemed like you were underwhelmed, almost."

What should I do? Should I tell him that it was only because I was still so tired when it happened? I don't even know if that's the truth!

"Uh," I begin, "I think——"
"And the truth is, I was too," he cuts me off before I can continue, his words surprising me, "I expected it to feel different, or more romantic, I guess. But it was underwhelming for me too."
Oh shit... I didn't see that coming...

"I played it off because I didn't want you to think you did anything wrong," he continues, "And you didn't, honestly. I think maybe we're not supposed to be together in a romantic way, even though I think you're beautiful and whatnot. It just didn't feel right, you know?"

Am I being friendzoned yet again? Except this time, it makes sense——if Isagi also didn't feel any chemistry between us, then maybe it really was just a dull kiss, rather than my exhaustion kicking in.

"Yeah, I agree," I finally manage to say, "I think we're better as friends."

Isagi practically sighs of relief.

"Me too."


"Guys, I have exciting news!"
After having a tender yet beautiful conversation with Isagi, I gathered the boys into a circle. Now I'm standing in the middle of it, glancing around at all eleven of them.

"We're going out on the last night before the second selection!" I reveal, and they glance around at one another, skeptical.

Isagi seems unsurprised, as I already relayed my plan to him a couple days ago.

"What do you mean by "going out?"" Chigiri questions.

I clap my hands excitedly together.

"I'm taking you guys to a nightclub!" I explain, "Don't worry, it's ages sixteen and up so it's legal. We just can't drink or anything. But it's my favorite hangout place and I just know you guys are going to have so much fun! And the food there is delicious."

Kunigami, acting like his normal, strict self, raises an eyebrow.

"Did you get permission from Ego?" He asks.

"Of course I did," I assure him, "We made a little bargain. I really want to have some fun with you guys before I have to leave Bluelock. After all, I can't be your team manager forever, right?"
I notice most of the boys' faces fall when I say this.

"Let's make it a great night, then!" Isagi exclaims.

The others nod in agreement.

"It'll be a night to remember," Chigiri agrees.


The rest of the week flies by in what seems like a long yet short time all the same. But on the eighth day of training, everything changes.

After dinner, Chigiri approaches me stiffly, seeming a little bummed out about something.

"Hey, Y/N," he murmurs, "I have to tell you something."
I raise an eyebrow, curious as to what it could be.

"Today, when we were doing deadlifts, I accidentally hurt my wrist," he continues, "I wasn't going to say anything for a couple of hours, because I wasn't sure if I just overworked it a little. But, I think it's sprained or something."

I frown, feeling quite sorry for him.

"Oh, I had no idea," I admit, "But it's okay, thankfully in soccer, you don't really need your hands."

I give him a reassuring smile but he exhales heavily.

"Yeah, but now our bet is probably off, since I won't be able to lift anything until it heals," he mumbles, and I can tell he's feeling quite downhearted about the whole thing.

I furrow my brow at him.

"Don't worry about the bet," I whisper, resting a hand on his shoulder, "It was really just an excuse I made up to get closer to you anyway. I was scared of confronting you head-on about my feelings before, but now I think I've realized that I shouldn't have been. Embarrassing, right?"
He shakes his head.

"No," he states, "It's okay. I'm just glad you're coming to me about it all now."

This is it! This is my chance——I'm going to prove to Raichi that everything he said about Chigiri and I is completely wrong!

"Let's head to the infirmary really quick," I suggest, "I'll wrap your wrist for you."

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now