Chapter 23 - Last Chapter :(((

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Bachira furrows his brow at me, as though signaling that he's waiting for me to speak up. I take a deep breath before opening my mouth.

"What can I do to make you want to be with me again?" I ask gently, and I notice his face fall a little.

"There's nothing," he whispers, "I've always wanted to be with you, since the night of the day we met. I can still remember holding you when you were half-asleep like it's happening right now. But just because I want something, that doesn't necessarily mean I should have it."
I clench my fists, frustrated to the maximum.

I could just slap him right now!
But, I don't. Instead, I approach him swiftly and wrap my arms around him tightly, burying my face into his neck.

"I'll do anything!" I plead, although his skin muffles my voice a little, "But I just can't live without you! Every night, I lay down, and I find myself thinking about the mistakes I made, and how I took you for granted. But I promise, I never will again if you give me another chance!"

I combat tears as they threaten my eyes.

I look up at Bachira as he noticeably contemplates my words, and I can tell he's fighting himself about what he should say in response.

"Would you be willing to tell Chigiri and Isagi what you just said? Or would you want them to continue thinking they have a chance?"

I pull away from Bachira at last, staring at him blankly.

"I already told them that I only have feelings for you!" I exclaim, "I'm surprised Isagi didn't say anything——maybe he wanted to let me handle it. I don't care about anyone else! I don't want anyone else! I've learned my lesson, really! As a matter of fact——I'll prove it right now!"

I grab Bachira's hand and drag him back inside of the club before he can protest, leading him to the front of the dancefloor where the DJ is present on a little platform above the area. Bachira tries to hold me back, shaking his head frantically as I step onto the stage, but I force his grip off of me and walk over to the DJ, snatching the microphone from him.

"Sorry!" I exclaim, after he tries to take it back, clearly mad at me, "It's really important, like life or death! I only need it for one minute, I promise!"
The DJ rolls his eyes but then reluctantly stops the music and allows me to use the mic.

I notice some of Team Z's players stare at me, completely baffled by my somewhat inappropriate behavior. But I don't really care. All that matters is the look on Bachira's face when I open my mouth to speak.

"I'm in love with someone!" I exclaim, my heart pounding in my chest as I stare at the crowd in front of me.

People begin to whisper among themselves, probably questioning what the hell I'm doing up here. Honestly, I hardly know myself. And so, I just look directly into the familiar pair of honey eyes in front of me.

"And I fucked everything up," I continue, "Because I was, and most likely still am, an idiot. Honestly, I know I can't change the past, and I can't change what I did. And I realized I loved this person when it was already too late. But I don't want anyone else. Nobody compares to you."
The audience erupts in "aws" and "oohs" when I say this, but it's muffled, as I'm now talking only to Bachira, as though everyone else in the entire room is nonexistent, and it's just the two of us.

"And I don't want you to be with anyone else," I whisper, tears starting to stream down my face, "Not the black-haired bitch from earlier, or any other person in this entire universe. Because I love you——I really do. And I know you love me, you said so yourself. So, look into my eyes and tell me right now that you don't love me anymore. Say it right here, to my face. If you do that, I might be heartbroken, but I promise, I'll leave tomorrow and never bother you again."

I step down from the stage, having handed the microphone back to the DJ, who is in a state of utter shock. I stand only inches in front of Bachira, gazing dead into his eyes, waiting for him to answer me. The entire atmosphere goes still, even as the DJ restarts the music and people continue chatting loudly all around us. The world outside of the two of us seems like it's lightyears away. But then, unexpectedly, he smiles subtly.

"Y/N," he murmurs, still grinning, "That's such a stupid thing to say."

He barely gets his last word out before I find myself being pulled in by his strong but gentle arms, and he places his lips onto my own, kissing me softly, over and over again. I get goosebumps all over.

The tingles are back...

I can't help but smile beneath the kiss, feeling relief wash over me.

I did it——he's mine again. And I won't let go of him this time.

When he pulls away, he's wearing a pensive expression.

"Chocolate this time," he comments, and I roll my eyes.

"Whose fault is that?!" I exclaim, "You're the one who ordered all that dessert!"
He places a hand on the side of my face.

"It's my favorite flavor anyway," he assures me, "And Y/N, I could never stop loving you. Maybe that makes me pathetic, or something, but it is what it is!"

He chuckles a bit.

"I'm gonna follow my heart wherever it leads me," he tells me in a sing-song voice, "And it's pointing to you!"

He shrugs nonchalantly and I beam at his cute mannerisms.

A slow song starts playing in the club, and I glance at him expectantly.

"Want to slow dance with me?" I ask, my lips upturned.

He shakes his head a single time.

"Not really, slow songs are boring, and I'd rather play balloon toss with you!" He exclaims, pointing toward the rightmost corner of the club, "I saw some inflated balloons over there earlier, and I've been dying to play with them. But, if you really want to dance, we can do that first."
I have to keep myself from throwing him a judgemental glance.

Why did I have to fall in love with someone so strange? Then again, maybe that's the reason I fell for him.

"Alright!" I say brightly, "Forget dancing, balloon toss it is!"
A grin blooms on his face.

"Yay! I'm going to win!"
I find myself smiling as he takes my hand and pulls me gently along.

No, I'm the only winner here. I'm so happy I could die.


After the clock strikes ten, it's time for the boys and I to make our way back to Bluelock. The happiness I felt when I finally won Bachira over has completely wafted away, as I know I only have what amounts to about twelve more hours with him and the others. I can tell this fact is bothering him as well, because when we enter the backmost booth together, he pulls me close, resting his head on my shoulder.

Some of the others notice this and gesture toward us, clearly questioning our current relationship status.

"Ha!" An obnoxious voice shouts, and I'm not surprised to notice it's coming from Raichi, "It's about damn time, you idiots! Both of you are so annoying, I can hardly take it!"

I snicker a little at his outburst, running a hand through Bachira's hair as he continues to cuddle me. A smile appears on Isagi's face when he sees the two of us, and Chigiri pokes my cheek lightly.

"You're so flustered right now, aren't you?" He teases.

"Shut up!" I retort, and both of the boys laugh lightheartedly.

I wish life could just stay this way forever. Here with the person I love, and all of my close friends. This night has just been too perfect.

"I don't want you to go home," Bachira mumbles, and I can't help but frown, "You should just stay here forever, or until Bluelock ends."
I place my lips on the top of his forehead.

"The moment you get home, I'll be there waiting for you. I promise."

A/N: Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed the story :)))) <3333

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now