Chapter 11

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Soon after Team Z's victory, a rowdy afterparty ensues. The boys combine their meals, along with my own, to create a huge buffet-like feast in their room, stuffing their faces full of food as they celebrate the fact that each one of them passed the first selection thanks to their perseverance and hard work. But soon, they begin to pass out, one by one, sleeping soundly due to their exhaustion after the game. Nearly all of them are asleep, except a certain honey-eyed boy, who approaches me after having enjoyed the delicious spread to the fullest. I must admit, I haven't talked to him much since we kissed, so I hope things aren't too awkward. Thankfully, the bright grin on his face makes me feel more at ease as he takes a seat beside me, his messy bangs tied up in a hair binder so they're out of his face.

"Hey, Y/N!" He greets cheerfully, "Did you like the food?"
I nod a single time, allowing a smile to spread across my lips as well.

"Yeah, it was great," I respond, "And it tasted even better knowing you guys won."

He beams brightly before perking up a little and digging through one of his pockets.

"Oh, I almost forgot–—I got to trade in my goal for a prize! I thought about getting a steak, but I wanted to get you something——"

I raise my eyebrows in anticipation as he reveals a handful of ten Hershey's kisses to me.

"Chocolate's more romantic, don't you think?" He questions, thinking aloud, "Plus, we had steak at the feast, so I thought you would prefer something for dessert."

He smiles and I feel my heart grow warm at his sweet gesture.

He could've traded in that goal for whatever he wanted, but he thought about me when he made the decision? He's so kind!

"Thank you," I whisper sincerely, gently accepting the chocolates, "I'll think of you with every one I eat."

He gazes at me with a toothy grin on his cute face.

"I know Hershey's isn't the most expensive chocolate, but I only had one goal to cash in. Sorry."

He chuckles lightly as he finishes his sentence, and I roll my eyes teasingly.
"I'm touched, really," I assure him, "You didn't have to do this, though. You should've gotten yourself the prize you wanted."
Bachira's face contorts into a pensive expression as he thinks about this momentarily.

"No, because I like it when you smile," he states bluntly, "It's pretty, and makes me way happier than some other prize could."

Here we go again——absolutely no filter. I guess you can always know where you stand with him, and what's going on in that strange mind of his. Not a bad thing.

"Well, I appreciate it," I murmur, resting a hand on his shoulder, but not getting any closer than this out of fear that another kiss might take place if I do.


Later that evening, the boys decide to stay up until midnight, continuing the celebration after they all recharged with naps. Chigiri, generously, volunteers to take all of the dishes back to the cafeteria. And so, being the team manager, I don't hesitate to offer my help. Without any hesitation, he graciously accepts. And so now, the two of us are walking side-by-side, entering the cafeteria with stacks of plates in our grips.

"Thanks for the help, Y/N," the red-head says, "Now I won't have to make two trips."
I shrug once we set the plates down at the "dirty-dishes station".

"It was no problem at all. My pleasure."

I can't help but notice, though, that the boy seems a bit worn-out from the day. After all, out of everyone on the team, he definitely ran the most during the match.

"Let's sit for a minute," I suggest, pulling two chairs opposite one another so we can sit face-to-face.

He takes a seat after a moment's contemplation, relaxing against the back of the chair as he exhales heavily.

"Hey, let me see your scar," I softly ask, gesturing toward his previously injured leg.

He cringes a bit.

"It's kind of ugly, though," he mumbles.

I dim my eyes at him.

"Just show me. It won't make you any less beautiful."

I notice him turn a light shade of red as he acquiesces, pulling up the leg of his sweatpants to reveal a neat scar near his right ACL. I sigh, touching the area lightly as I look up to match his red eyes.

"It doesn't hurt still, does it?"
He shakes his head lightly.

"Not anymore, thankfully."

After a moment, I take my hand away from it, still staring deeply into his gaze. The silence is screaming a million words all at once.

He's so pretty, it's almost unreal. For some reason, I really want to kiss him right now. Should I just be brave and ask for one? I know he has feelings for me——so I shouldn't be scared, right?

Before long, I find myself opening my mouth, preparing to be bold. My heartbeat is thumping so fast that I'm surprised it isn't audible.

"Chigiri," I begin tentatively, "Do you... want a kiss?"
His scarlet eyes widen with noticeable shock before they soften and crease as his lips upturn into a gentle smile.

"Short or long?" He asks, waiting eagerly for my answer.

He seriously asked me that?! Is he insane? Of course I want a long one, damn it! Say long!

I keep repeating these words in my head, like a mantra, but the thing is–——my entire system feels like it's shutting down. I'm so nervous, I can't even move my lips! I was way too premature being all bold like that!

I can't do this!

At first, I contemplate jumping out of my seat and escaping back to Team Z's room, but that would just delay the inevitable and make things strange between us. And then I remember my saving grace——The Hershey's Kisses I received earlier from Bachira——they're in my pocket! I can play it off and pretend like I was offering Chigiri a Hershey's kiss instead of a mouth-to-mouth kiss!
And so, I chuckle lightly, shaking my head left to right as my stomach finally begins to stop churning and my heartbeat slows back into a comfortable rhythm.

"Sorry, I meant a Hershey's kiss..." I improvise, presenting one on my palm.

I notice Chigiri's face droop with disappointment, and I feel saddened by his expression, but I was just too scared to go for it. Soon, though, it will happen——I'm sure of it.

"As a matter of fact, take them all," I offer, hoping the generous act will make up for the confusion I just caused the poor boy.

He accepts them from me with open hands and stares down at them.

"Thank you," he noticeably forces, a stiff smile appearing on his gorgeous face.

Ugh, why am I such an idiot? Next time, I won't get all flustered like that——I swear!

"Let's head back now," I suggest quickly before the awkward moment can drag on for any longer, "I don't want the others getting worried about us."

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum