Chapter 16

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The day goes by painfully slowly, even though I get to stare at the boys' muscles for endless hours. For some reason, I'm not enjoying the experience as much as normal. When dinner time comes around, I take a seat between Isagi and Chigiri, setting my tray down gently.

"Can I have some?" Isagi asks, as per the norm, "I'm extra hungry after all that difficult training!"
I nod once and shove my entire tray toward him.

"Have it all, I'm not even hungry."
That's the truth——my appetite is gone. I haven't been able to get what happened this morning out of my head.

"After all, we're friends, right?"
That phrase keeps repeating in my head over and over, like a personalized torture device. I know I promised Bachira to be friends and nothing more, but the longer this goes on, the more real it becomes.

I bury my head in my hands as I stare blankly at the table.

"After all, we're friends, right?"
I hear his nonchalant words again and nearly lose my mind as they replay inside of it.

Before I can realize, I find myself banging my fists against the dinner table, shaking it ever-so-slightly as I take out my frustration on its surface.

"Screw friends!" I accidentally shout aloud, "Who even needs friends anyway?! Friends suck!"
I freeze in place after coming to the realization that this exclamation actually came out of my mouth. Thankfully, none of the guys besides Chigiri and Isagi seemed to have noticed.

"Y/N?" Chigiri says, glancing at me with a concerned expression on his face, "Are you okay?"

I shake my head viciously as I sink back into my seat.

"No," I state plainly, "I'm not. Chigiri, why am I such an idiot?"
He furrows his brow, clearly still confused by my pessimistic mood.

"You're not," he assures me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I roll my eyes and stand up from the table, just desiring to be alone for a minute.

"I'll see you guys back in the room," I mumble, and then turn to walk out of the cafeteria.

I ignore the shouts of the two boys as I keep moving forward, not bothering to turn back around.


Once inside of the room, I find myself unable to sit still, and so I pace in a circle, biting my lip as anxiety gets the better of me.

Damn it! Why am I feeling this way?! It makes no sense–—I shouldn't be this upset about what happened between Bachira and I! I mean, the way things were going, Chigiri probably would have been my first choice out of the three boys, not him! I mean, he's so pretty and perfect with that long red hair——

But before I know it, I find myself on the verge of tears again.

"SHIT!" I exclaim, although my voice quivers a bit.

The sound of the door to Team Z's room opening makes me quickly attempt to regain my composure as I whirl around to see who just entered. Much to my surprise, it's Raichi.

Great, just what I need right now.

He narrows his eyes as he steps closer to me, and as a tear falls down my face, I can't manage to wipe it away before he notices. The shark-toothed boy laughs snarkily.

"You're such an idiot," he spits, "I told you to make a decision. I knew something like this would happen if you didn't."
I frown deeply as he says this, aggravated by his harsh words.

"Oh, yeah? How do you know this isn't about something else?!"
He rolls his eyes at me before pointing an accusing finger in my direction.

"It's pretty damn obvious, you know."
I sigh heavily, seeing no point in disregarding his truthful statement.

"Fine, you're right," I admit, "But still——how am I supposed to choose, I mean, they're all wonderful!"
He crosses his arms.

"Don't ask me about your romance problems! I'm not your damn therapist!" He snaps, "And it's your fault for being too dumb to see the painfully clear-cut answer here!"

I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to finish.

"Go on, then, tell me."
He stares at me blankly.

"The weirdo. Bachira, your "honeybee"," he spits in a mocking tone, "I've said it before and I'll say it again—you two look like a goddamned married couple when you're together. It's disgusting, but if you're into that kind of thing, he's definitely the right choice. Wanna know why? Because you drool over Chigiri too much like he's some celebrity you have a crush on or something——it gives me the creeps. And as for Isagi, let's be real——there's no real chemistry there——it's so underwhelming."
Damn——is Raichi like a professional couple's counselor or something? Not my therapist, my ass!

"You're wrong," I tell him blankly, "About everything. I'm actually in the friendzone with Bachira, so how is that supposed to work?"

He furrows his brow, taken aback by this.

"What in the world——that idiot is so crazy about you that it makes me physically sick. No way you're in the friendzone, unless you did something to put yourself there."

Well, he's not wrong about that...

"Yeah, I was an asshole to him!" I admit, throwing my hands up in the air, "I know I was, but that still doesn't change the present. Bachira's not an option anymore so——"
Raichi cuts me off before I can finish, growling as he practically shouts at me.

"He's the only option, you asshat! If he's mad at you, beg for forgiveness! And until you do that, don't cry anymore where I can visibly see you! And don't complain about something you can change, it's annoying as hell! Now I'm going back to the cafeteria, I'm not dealing with this bullshit another second longer! Pick one of the others and come to me when you finally see I've been right all along! I don't give a shit! It's not my love life!"

Raichi grimaces as he turns away from me and stomps through the exit.

"He's wrong about everything," I grumble, clenching my fists as irritation overtakes my entire body, "He doesn't know what he's talking about. And I'll prove it."

A/N: Soooo... who do we think Y/N's gonna end up with? 🤭

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now