Chapter 4

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After Team Z's incredible victory against Team Y, I quickly race to meet the boys outside of the locker room, a huge smile upon my face. I turn the corner rapidly, accidentally bumping into Isagi in the process.

"Isagi!" I exclaim, "You were awesome out there! That goal was perfect!"

I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a warm hug.

"I'm proud of you," I whisper softly in his ear.

When I pull away, he has a gentle beam on his lips.

"Thanks, Y/N," he says softly, and I feel my heart melt a little.


Later that night, the boys end up deciding to have a potluck-style feast, where everyone can eat and join in on the good food. I, as promised, donate some of my portion to Isagi, who accepts it happily. Some of the others complain, saying my favoritism toward him is unfair, but I don't really care. I simply laugh it off.

But I feel my mood change a bit when I look to my left and notice Chigiri sitting in the corner, not really engaging in the potluck, or even eating for that matter. He has his knees hugged to his chest, and he's looking right at me, although he averts his eyes when my gaze matches his own.

He seems surprisingly sad, considering Team Z just had their first win.

And so, I get up from my spot and bring a plate of food over to the red-head, who seems a bit surprised at my sudden gesture.

"You don't need to do that," he mumbles, "I'm fine, really.'

I shake my head and collect some of the food with an unused fork. Then I hold it up to Chigiri's mouth.

"If you don't keep your energy up, you won't be able to play your best," I state firmly, "So open up."
His bright eyes widen and he reluctantly lifts his chin from his knees, parting his lips ever-so-slightly so I can slip the fork into his mouth. His teeth make the tiniest scraping sound as I remove the utensil, and he begins to chew slowly. He tries to keep his expression unwavering, but I can tell he's enjoying the food.

"Good, right?" I question, and he nods, much to my surprise.

"Yeah. Thanks."
He just thanked me? Seriously?

I notice a little crumb hanging onto the side of his mouth and, without thinking, use my thumb to gently wipe it off. But after I realize what I've done, it's too late. He's already staring deeply into my eyes, and our faces are so close together that my heartbeat begins to race. And when a few of his fingers slide down my wrist, gripping it ever-so-slightly, I back away so quickly that I nearly lose my balance.

Damn it! Why does he have to be so pretty? Between him, Bachira, and Isagi, I'm doomed to get flustered every other second!

"You had a crumb on your mouth," I blurt, "That's why I wiped it off. Anyway, I'm going to head back over to the others now. You should join us, or at least eat your food."

And with those words, I don't bother to wait for him to respond——my racing heart can't handle being in close proximity to him for another moment. Not right now, anyway.


Soon, it's nighttime, and the boys and I have slipped into our futons, ready for sleep to kick in. Although, Isagi and Chigiri are both missing, I've noticed. Maybe they're off by themselves. But, as I'm in the middle of closing my eyes so I can drift off, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over to see Bachira laying on his side, golden eyes open, strands of hair splayed across both his pillow and his pretty face as he stares at me through the darkness.

"Hey," he whispers, "I wasn't going to say anything——but you and Chigiri seem to be getting closer lately. I mean, he hasn't opened up to anyone, except you. I even saw you do this to him at the potluck——"

Bachira rubs his thumb across my lower lip, repeating how I wiped the crumb off of Chigiri's mouth earlier, and I feel shivers run up and down my spine.

He's got such a soft touch...

"Yes," I murmur, regaining my composure, "I guess you could say we're becoming friends, slowly but surely."
A soft smile forms across Bachira's lips, and I notice for the first time just how beautiful he really is when he's not grinning like a maniac. Although, his fun side is addictive, don't get me wrong.

"I'm glad you're getting along with everyone," he says quietly, "You are team manager after all."

He smirks at me before shutting his eyes.

"Goodnight, Y/N, sleep well."

I can't help but continue to stare at him as his face slowly relaxes and his lips part ever-so-slightly.

So cute...

I feel like I'm in a daze, like I'm hypnotized as I look at him. I carefully scoot closer to him, and push a few strands of hair out of his face so I can get a better view of all his lovely features. By now, the tips of our noses are nearly touching.

He's so close, not even an inch away.

But my body fills to the brim with terror when his honey eyes flutter open softly, and he stares straight into mine, seemingly unfazed by how close I am to him.

"I wasn't asleep yet, you know," he whispers so softly that I can barely hear his words.

And I feel the air practically evacuate my lungs as he places a hand on my lower back, pulling me a bit closer. By now, my entire body has somehow migrated onto his futon, rather than my own.

"I don't usually get jealous," he continues, and I can feel his breath on my lips, "But if I'm telling the truth, seeing you touch Chigiri was all it took. Because you're pretty, and nice to me."
He averts his eyes bashfully as my jaw nearly drops out of shock.

He really just came out and said that? I know Bachira doesn't have much of a filter, but damn——I wasn't expecting this.

"I-It was nothing," I tell him, hardly able to focus on what I'm saying, "It meant nothing, I swear."

I definitely had butterflies when I was with Chigiri, but this is on a whole different level. I mean, my lips are literally millimeters away from Bachira's.

"Even if it did mean something, it's okay if you like him that way, Y/N," he assures me, "It's your choice. Who am I to tell you who to like? But know this——I'm going to keep fighting for your attention. Because if the monster inside me is like darkness, you're like the light."

Bachira removes his hand from my back and I feel as if I can breathe again.

"Sorry," he says, reverting to his normally playful attitude, "That was intense, hm?"
He scratches the back of his head cutely, and I catch my breath.
It was intense, but I liked it.

"Don't apologize," I whisper, "Don't ever apologize for that."

With these words, I return to my futon, this time with the intention of actually falling asleep, but I feel cold without his arms embracing me.

Damn... I enjoyed that way too much. At this rate, these boys are going to be the death of me.

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat