Chapter 8

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Later that day, I fulfill my promise to Bachira by hanging out with him.

"Let's go to the practice field!" He suggests excitedly, "I'm going to teach you how to dribble."
I cringe at the thought of trying to handle a soccer ball in front of the master of dribbling.

"Okay," I acquiesce, "But it's not going to go well——I guarantee that."
He grabs my arm gently nonetheless, and leads me toward the practice arena.

Damn, I'm going to look like a complete idiot. Although, I guess I don't need to be afraid to look stupid in front of Bachira. He's constantly messing around, just having a good time.

A devilish grin spreads across his face as he begins to mess around with the ball, managing to shift it between his feet at an insane speed.

Why does he think I'm going to be able to do this, again?

"Your turn!" He declares, once he's finished, and I sigh.

Reluctantly, I take the ball from him and place it between my feet, trying to copy what he just did. But, as expected, I only manage to accidentally kick it toward the other side of the field, until it's out of bounds. I roll my eyes playfully as Bachira bursts out in laughter.

"Shut up!" I snap, slapping him playfully across the back, "I'm the team manager, not one of the players!"
He quickly retrieves the ball and brings it back.

"How about you just try to kick it into the goal this time?" He suggests, "That'll probably be a bit easier."

I frown, having no desire to embarrass myself even further.

"Fine," I say, and snatch it from the honey-eyed boy.

He'd better be glad that he's gorgeous and sweet, otherwise he wouldn't be able to pay me to do this.

But, nonetheless, I end up standing in front of the goal, my foot holding the ball still before I attempt to shoot it, and completely whiff, missing the ball all together as I nearly lose my balance! I growl out of frustration, clenching my fists. My competitive side is starting to get the best of me now.

"Bachira!" I exclaim, "Come here and help me!"
The cute boy chuckles and then approaches me after grabbing the soccer ball once again and placing it near my feet.

"Alright, turn your body like this..."
All of my frustration flies right out of the window as he places his hands gently on my shoulders and turns me so I'm lined up with the goal in a less awkward way.

I feel my body start to heat up, but try to ignore the sensation and simply focus on following his instructions instead.

"Better," he murmurs softly, and his voice sends chills up and down my spine.

Damn it——I should've just kept failing on my own instead of asking for his help——now I can hardly think straight.

"Don't be scared of the ball, it's your friend," he says playfully, skipping away from me a few steps, and I can breathe again, "Go on, try again!"

I take a deep breath after his encouragement and bend my leg back, attempting to line my foot up with the ball in a way that will allow it to go in the direction I want it to go. And then, I release the tension, kicking it confidently. My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when the ball hits the back of the net forcefully.

Damn... maybe I actually have some potential after all.

Ecstatic, I jump up and down, happy as can be.

"I did it!" I exclaim, "Ha! Take that, stupid ball!"
And like a total idiot, without thinking, I find myself leaping into Bachira's arms as we share a moment of pure excitement.

"I'm proud, Y/N! Good job," he says encouragingly.

But when the moment passes, and we both start to realize how close we are to one another, tension seeps into the atmosphere surrounding us. I stare into his golden eyes, so lost that I don't have the chance to look away. And I find myself subconsciously leaning into him until our lips are brushing against each other. It's only a short kiss, barely breaking the surface as he caresses my bottom lip ever-so-slightly, but I think it's the softness of it that causes butterflies to swarm my stomach. Once we separate, a subtle smile appears on his face as his cheeks flush a light pink color.

"Your lips taste like strawberries," he tells me matter-of-factly, breaking any of the leftover tension, "I like it."

I snort a little, unsurprised by his brutal honesty.

Must be the chapstick I use.

But then, he catches me off-guard when his cheeks begin to darken even more and he buries his face in the crook of his elbow, hiding it from view.

It's rare to see Bachira this flustered. It's so cute.

"I like you way too much," he states, and I feel myself begin to heat up as well.

He finally recovers and sighs for a long time.

"I feel like I need an ice bath now," he continues bluntly, "That was a lot."
Wait... I wonder if Bachira's ever kissed someone before now? I didn't even stop to think about it——it seemed like he was a total natural!

"Had you ever kissed someone before me?" I ask bashfully.

I feel my entire body tense as he shakes his head.

"No," he admits, "As a matter of fact, you're the first person I've ever liked romantically. All the girls were mean to me when I was younger... but you're different from them, and super special."
He smiles brightly, stretching his arms by holding them in front of his body, as usual.

"So are you," I murmur, "You're super special, too."

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now