Chapter 5

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The next day, both Isagi and Chigiri seem to be in strange moods. Isagi seems sad, and he keeps glancing over at the red-head, who is clearly annoyed about something.

What in the world is going on with these two?

At least the rest of the team is acting completely normal, although I can hardly manage to so much as look at Bachira for two seconds without my heart rate increasing drastically. After eating breakfast, I'm about to leave the cafeteria, but I notice Isagi sitting alone, at the lunch table, staring at his empty tray.

Is he just spacing out?

I approach him and take a seat to his left, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly, "You seem down today. Are you worried about the upcoming game against Team W?"

Isagi shakes his head a couple times.

"No," he sighs, "I just... did something I shouldn't have. I pressured a teammate into telling me something and then really pissed him off afterward. I feel pretty terrible about it. Maybe I should have just kept my big mouth shut."

Must be Chigiri he's talking about.

As Isagi glances down at the table, I gently grab the sides of his face and turn it back toward me.

"Listen, your intentions were good, I'm sure," I say soothingly, "So don't feel bad about it if you were just trying to help. You have a good heart, Isagi, and I'm sure this teammate knows that too. If they're being sensitive, there's probably a decent reason as well, but it's not your fault."

After my encouraging speech, I notice a small smile form on Isagi's face and his eyes brighten a bit. But then they fall upon my lips and he stares at them momentarily.

When I first grabbed his face, I hadn't realized how close we'd become.

His cheeks turn a bright red color and I can practically feel them warm up underneath my touch.

"T-thanks, Y/N," he stutters, "I'll remember that."

And what happens next nearly shocks me to my core. Isagi plants a gentle kiss upon my left cheek before gauging my reaction, which makes him chuckle a bit.

"I had to," he tells me, "Sorry about that."

He goes to stand up from the table, but my body moves on its own and grips his wrist, probably a bit too tightly. My arms practically wrap themselves around Isagi's waist and I lean in to kiss his cheek this time. Tingles flow through my entire body as I'm pleasantly surprised by how soft his skin feels against my lips, and when I pull away, he buries his face in his hands, trying to hide how red his face is.

"Why... why'd you do that?" He asks, still hiding from view.

"Same reason you did," I respond with a bashful smirk and exit the lunchroom before things can go to the next level.

My heart feels like it's about to explode. I lean against the wall outside of the cafeteria and catch my breath, which is heavy in my chest.

It happened again, this time with Isagi! I could hardly control myself——I'm becoming so bold these days...


While Team Z is practicing for their upcoming match, I remain in the room, finishing the daily reports for each player so I can give them to Ego. After all, he can't keep his eyes on every player at Bluelock all the time, even if he's got a giant screen and a camera in every possible place. But just as I write the last sentence, the door to Team Z's room slides open, and I'm greeted by none other than Chigiri, who is all alone.

Did he decide to come back early or something? Why isn't he with the rest of the guys?
His eyes widen when he notices me, and I nearly die when I notice that his hair is dripping wet, like he just got out of the shower.

Damn, he's so gorgeous.

I try to ignore how pretty he is and simply wave, greeting him as per the norm. In response, he simply forms a line across his face with his lips before taking a seat in his usual corner. Unbothered by his attitude, I walk over to him and sit down so we're shoulder-to-shoulder with one another.

"What's up?" I ask, "Why are you back early?"
He scoffs and simply glances down at the floor.

"I'm not, the others just wanted to run extra drills," he mumbles.

Overachievers. I get it.

"You seemed kind of ticked off this morning," I tell him, as though he doesn't know his own self, "Talk to me, Chigiri, I'll help in any way I can!"
He narrows his eyes at me.

"No," he states firmly, "We're not friends. You're the team manager to me, and nothing more. So stop trying to help. Just do me a favor, and leave me the hell alone."
Oh... I didn't see that coming...

I lose my words out of shock, unsure of what else I can possibly say, until I realize——there's nothing.

But what is this horrible feeling? It hurts so bad, like my heart is aching...

I gasp out of shock as a tear rolls down my cheek, and then another, until my eyes have practically become little streams.

"Y-Y/N," Chigiri whispers when he sees my face.

But I stand up, backing away from him.

"I understand that you're upset, Chigiri," I say, though my voice is muffled because of my tears, "But you don't have to be so mean to me when I've done nothing but try to care about you this entire time."
And with those few words, I run out of the room, needing to clear my head in the hallway. But in the process, I come face-to-face with the rest of the boys, who are heading back to the room. Bachira's eyes widen when he notices me, but I simply bury my face in my arms, not wanting to be seen like this, and continue sprinting.

"Y/N!" The honey-eyed boy chases after me, although I ignore him, "Wait!"

But eventually, I reach a dead-end in the corridor and I'm forced to come face-to-face with Bachira, who easily kept up with me due to his great stamina and physique.

"What's the matter?" He asks urgently, cupping my cheeks in his hands as he wipes the tears from my face, "Who made you cry like this? Who needs the shit knocked out of them?"

In the midst of my sadness, this makes me laugh.

"Don't worry about it," I say with a sniffle, "I don't even know why I'm crying so hard about this. It was totally stupid."

He continues to wipe the tears off of my cheeks.

"It was Chigiri, right?" He questions, making an educated guess, "He's history."
I shake my head and embrace Bachira tightly, burying my face in his neck.

"It doesn't matter now," I whisper, "Not when I have you."
His arms wrap around me and as he tightens his gentle grasp, I feel my entire body warm up with contentment. He squeezes me just enough so I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, and it's so calming, something steady amidst the chaos I've just been through. That's what Bachira is to me——a happy pill.

I don't know how long we stay like this, cuddled up next to one another, until a voice comes over the intercom reminding the players that the next match will be beginning in a few hours. We pull away from one another when this happens, and I smile reassuringly at Bachira, who also seems excited about the upcoming game.

"Let's head back," I suggest, "I'm okay now, thanks to you."

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now