Chapter 10

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I pace around the narrow hallway anxiously, going in a circle, waiting for the boys to emerge from the locker room so they can head to their final game in the first selection——their inevitable match against Team V. But I'm interrupted when the door squeaks open and out walks Isagi, who has a nervous yet determined look on his face.

"Oh, hey," he greets, holding a hand up as he approaches me, "I expected you to already be in the manager's box."

I shrug half-heartedly.

"I wanted to see you guys off first," I explain, "I can't believe we've already gotten to the match that decides it all."
Isagi hops up and down, clearly trying to keep himself warmed up.

"I know," he agrees, "Time really does fly these days, huh?"
He scratches the back of his head in an adorably bashful way.
"Hey, Y/N, I have a question..." he begins tentatively, "Even if we lose, which we won't, but hypothetically——if we did lose, would you still talk to me and hangout with me?"
He glances away from me shyly as he asks this and I can't help but grin a little.

"Of course I would," I assure him warmly, "How could I not? I feel so close to you, Isagi, even though it hasn't been a relatively long time since we met."

I notice his cheeks flush a little bit as I relay this to him.

"That's a relief," he mumbles, "It would be difficult not seeing your smiling face everyday, and not sharing your meals with you."
I can't help but chuckle a little at his sentimental statement.

"Well, even if you guys win, I highly doubt I'll be team manager for much longer. After all, the second selection will bring a new challenge that each and everyone of you will have to face without me. But I will always cheer for you, and I will always be here for you, Isagi. Because you're important to me and my care for you goes beyond Bluelock. It's forever, okay?"

I notice his demeanor settle noticeably as I wash away his worries with my comforting words. And much to my surprise, he wraps his arms lightly around me, hugging me gently.

His touch is extremely soft, like a cool pillow or a blanket snuggling me.

"Thanks, Y/N," he whispers into my ear, the sensation sending tingles up and down my entire body.

I can't help but return the embrace as I place my hands onto his back, tugging tightly as I bring him closer to me so I can feel his chest as it falls up and down with every quiet breath.

"You'd better keep your word," he continues, "I mean it. Or I'll search the entire world until I find you."
I laugh softly at his ambitious declaration.

"Yeah, right, whatever you say," I reply smartly, and he pulls away from me after a long, affectionate hug.

At this point, the tips of our noses are nearly touching, and I can't seem to turn away from those ocean-like eyes of his.

"Isagi," I murmur, "I believe in you, more than anything. So, just go out there and be yourself, because you are amazing. Okay?"
He nods a couple of times and tension begins to waft into the atmosphere, thickening it with the intense feelings both of us are storing inside. And for a moment, I think our lips are going to connect, but then a robot-voice comes over the intercom, announcing that it's time for the players to make their way onto the soccer field before the game begins.

I squeeze Isagi's shoulder lovingly and give him a reassuring smile before wishing him good luck and heading to the manager's personal room. Team V's manager is another girl, so I won't have to worry about any of the boys getting jealous of them, like Chigiri had when I was in close contact with Team X's manager.

I wring my hands anxiously, watching the clock with shifty eyes, just waiting for the match to begin.

The anticipation is enough to make me pass out.


The beginning of the game ends up going horribly. Team V is clearly a level above Team Z, and they're the stars of today's show so far. That is, until Bachira decides to run rampant and score a random yet very impressive goal, proving that it's possible to evolve, even in the final stretch of the first selection. His passionate choice is what motivates the other players to give their all. But I'm not surprised in the slightest——After all, that's what Bluelock is about.

Inside of the manager's box, I find myself cheering and clapping my hands happily as this happens, even though I'm well aware that the boys cannot hear me.

And eventually, some of the others manage to score as well. The game progresses and I grow more excited yet anxious with every second until Isagi, once again, manages to take the lead and score the winning goal, leaving Team V as the losers. However, while some of the players on both Team V and Team Z seem shocked that the latter team won, I only feel pride.

I knew they could do it! They're incredible——

Team V's manager scowls at me as I happily go to leave the manager's box, but I don't care. I simply narrow my eyes at her, feeling too overcome with joy to really engage in the pettiness, and go on my way, racing toward the entrance to the Bluelock building, waiting for the players on Team Z to come back inside from off of the field. And once they do, I run up to them, hugging each and every one of the boys, some longer than others (I'm looking at you, Kuon).

"You were awesome!" I exclaim, giddy as can be, "I felt so proud watching you all destroy Team V!"
Isagi smiles brightly, pumping a fist in the air.

"Yeah!" He shouts, "We did it, guys!"
All of the other guys begin to shout rowdily over one another, elated and energized from their victory.

I'm so glad to see them so happy. Originally, I came to Bluelock for the good pay, but now, I'm emotionally attached to Team Z, and its players. There is nothing I want more than to see them succeed, and achieve their dreams. 

Red, Gold, and Blue (Chigiri, Bachira, Isagi x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now