Chapter 41: The Beginning of the End

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I don't know how it happens, but suddenly the hours have escaped us all and I find myself stood next to River before a sea of heads and eyes blinking back at us.

We've gathered everyone here to say a few words before we all disassemble to re-group into our respective formations, readying ourselves for the upcoming attack.

It won't be an easy sight in a few minutes when families and mates begin to hug and kiss their loved ones that are about to head off into battle. A battle we don't know we'll return from, and if we do, what and who will be left standing when it's over.

I've had a golf ball sized lump in my throat all day, understanding that this is going to have the potential to change our entire lives.

It certainly doesn't help ease my nerves as I watch the early autumn sun retreating steadily behind the treeline, a reminder that our time of attack is drawing ever closer.

River's been speaking so naturally to the crowd of werewolves for the past minute or so, and while I have heard every word he's said, they haven't entered into my brain in a way that makes sense. It's somehow garbled and nonsensical, becoming lost in the swarm of my louder thoughts.

Suddenly River's turning to me expectantly, a look on his face as if to say 'you're up'. I snap myself out of my haze as best I can, swallowing hard before I steel my gaze and set my eyes forward, projecting as much confidence as I can.

"The Strikers have proven themselves too dangerous to be negotiated with. Any chance of that was thrown out the moment they purposefully ambushed our lands and took one of our own." I flex my jaw as a low hum of growling circulates through the crowd in agreement. My eyes sweep over the many faces, so many individual lives, staring back at me. "Tonight, will be our opportunity to keep the Strikers from spreading their doctrine, and our opportunity to spill their blood just as they have spilled ours." I grit my teeth, the faces of Garrett and Carmen appearing in my mind.

I close my speech, the crowd nodding back solemnly, their faces grave and hardened. I feel River's hand slip into my own, and I squeeze it for two long beats.

With that, the masses begin to disband, and as I predicted, the sound of soft sobs can be heard circulating around the area. Daughters and sons, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers...There is no discrimination—everyone here is fearful of losing someone forever.

"I hate this." I murmur, turning into River's chest as his arm snakes around my shoulders protectively.

"It's inevitable, Holls." He says it like it's so simple. "We say goodbye for now, so we can have peace for good." He presses his lips to my hair.

I inhale a steadying breath and try to find some way of anchoring myself in River's words. I know he's right...I just hate the price we pay in doing the right thing. I hate that I feel personally responsible for anyone who does not make it back to their family after this.

We said our goodbyes to River's family earlier, before we got here, given Clark, Renee, and Sam, are helping in their own ways. Clark will be in Group A with us, and Sam and Renee are organizing what will be our triage and trauma areas.

While I understand the Strikers are forcing our hand in this, it brings me no joy in asking our pack members to lay down their lives.

I suddenly feel another set of arms closing around me, as well as River, embracing us in a sort of group-hug.

"Awe, Desiree..." I trail off as she sniffs into my ear, and I feel my own eyes sting with tears at the sound.

I pull away from River just long enough for Desiree grab me into her arms so forcefully I lose my balance for a moment.

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