Chapter 39: Wine Drunk

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I stand overlooking the churning ocean below, the cliff dropping off to a nearly sheer rock face. The wind is strong today—I've noticed it's only been getting stronger, and colder, too.

It's early September and Summer is quietly retreating, Autumn peering over curiously from the sidelines, trying to find the right time to take centre stage. The days are still warm when the sun is out, but we have been getting more and more overcast days, with rain not far behind.

"You look thoughtful, Luna."

A voice sounds from behind me, and I turn to see Liana approaching. Her long black hair is down today, loose, falling in soft brushed-out waves. Normally she has it secured in elaborate braids and buns. It's funny how much more ordinary and less imposing she seems to me now with this one little change.

"I am." I confirm with a nod. "We have only forty-eight hours left before we'll be poised for attack against the Strikers. It almost feels like there's too much to think about." I admit with a dry chuckle.

Liana joins me at my side, her gaze fixed on the horizon stretching out beyond us.

"If there is anyone who could lead us against an enemy such as this, surely, it is you and Alpha River." Liana sounds so unwaveringly confident—it feels so misplaced, her assurance in seeing victory. "But I know the feeling of intimidation well, and the games it plays with your mind—the things it makes you believe."

I shake my head.

"It's hard to believe you have much experience with feeling intimidated, Liana," I laugh and so does she, the sound of it lighter than I expect. "You're the most incredible warrior I've seen." I say honestly, and Liana bows her head slightly, almost embarrassed to receive such praise.

"Being a great warrior does not mean being free of intimidation, Luna. It's choosing to act in the face of intimidation anyway, not knowing the outcome. Simply because you know the outcome of not trying is not an option." Liana eyes me knowingly. "You have it in you, Luna; we all saw it at the combat challenge."

Her hand pats my shoulder gently, fondly.

"You kept your place for a reason, Luna Holly. It's because you are the true destined leader of the Shadows. It was decided a long time ago that you were meant for this." Liana smiles. "I find it funny how long it has taken you to see it too. Many would be quick to welcome such power and prestige."

I swallow and shrug a little helplessly, a gust of wind blowing my hair into my line of sight momentarily before I brush it away, tucking it behind my ear.

"I suppose it's because I spent my whole life up until two months ago thinking nothing remarkable was ever going to happen to me. Nothing ever has—not until this, anyway." I scoff. "It's one hell of a lottery to be given out of nowhere—and I don't mean to sound ungrateful, it's just..." I sigh, uncrossing my arms. "It feels like zero to one-hundred, and a lot of the time, I can roll with it. But other times, all I get is whiplash."

Liana nods and is silent for a few moments before speaking.

"Whatever the outcome, Luna, you can at least give yourself the peace of mind in knowing you and River did everything possible to avenge your loved ones at Half-Moon." She smiles gently, but the sadness in it is not lost on me. "There is only so much we can control. Your actions are what you control. Focus on that. That's all that matters now."

I mull over Liana's words before flashing her a look of appreciation. I know she is trying her best to soothe my fears right now, and despite everything, she's actually helping a little.

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