Chapter 28: Transitions

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Chapter 28: Transitions


It's past nine o'clock by the time I finish sending Desiree all the appropriate outfit options for the dinner tomorrow. We both agree there are a few that hold some promise, but ultimately, I feel I should probably make a quick run to the boutiques in town. I was so confident I would have something that fit the bill, but this bill feels almost too big to cover.

I eventually drag myself away from the closet, saying goodnight to Desiree and that I'll let her know if or when I decide to go back out to the shops. She of course insisted on coming, as to give her unparalleled advice.

Steam rolls over me as I step inside the shower, ready to wash the day away. A sigh of relief escapes me, taking refuge in the scalding water and high-pressure at which it hits my skin.

Thoughts of the impending battle swim in my head, twisting and turning, boomeranging from positive, optimistic outlooks to absolute worst-case, devastating scenarios. It's as though my brain has morphed into that of an arcade pinball machine, and there is some tween kid hellbent on hitting the ball as hard and as fast as they possibly can with no care as to how violently they are pressing the buttons to make it happen.

I gasp in surprise as a pair of hands seize my middle, not having heard or detected any sound or movement at all.

"Oh," I sigh as I recognize immediately who the hands belong to, relaxing. "It's you." I smile as River presses a kiss to my shoulder.

"I didn't mean to startle you." He says, sounding just the slightest bit amused.

"It's not your fault," I say quickly, knowing just how absent I am from reality right now, hardly resonating with my environment at all.

"You're distracted." River states plainly, and I turn in his grip to look up into his eyes, soft, warm, and dare I say even a bit concerned.

I shrug and give a slight laugh, not being able to deny it and yet not wanting to confirm it either.

"There's a lot about to happen, that's all—the dinner and introduction to the pack tomorrow, the training sessions you want me doing, the fight..." I trail off as a flash of a memory from Half-Moon cuts through my head, gone almost as quickly as it appeared, although able to leave a distinct mark on me all the same.

"There is." River agrees, his fingers tracing up my spine until reaching the nape of my neck, which he grips firmly. He leans down to me, pressing his forehead to mine as the steam continues to dance between and around us. "This is the first fight I'm going into where I have something to lose, Holls."

I immediately feel a lump in my throat, feeling his fear as if it were my own, and really, it is. I too have so much to lose now. I'm not willing to go through the realization that you've lost everything—everyone—again.

"Hey," I say curtly, River's eyes opening to meet my own. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going anywhere?" I ask him with a slight shake of my head.

"Until I don't have enemies who would love nothing more but to take you from me." He replies without missing a beat, and I can tell he's clearly been giving this matter a great deal of thought.

"Well," I give a laugh. "I suppose I'll be telling you that for a long time to come then, won't I? When will the Shadows ever not have an enemy?" I ask him, and he frowns.

"You see my dilemma then." He reaches around me for the soap, lathering it between his hands before running them across my back, a trail of bubbles left in their wake. "You are always going to be my biggest weakness; my Achilles heel." He turns me around, my back pressed to his chest, my breath hitching as his lathered hands find my breasts, greeting them sweetly.

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