Chapter 25: Unsuspecting Target

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Chapter 25: Unsuspecting Target


We stay curled up in front of the woodstove for the rest of the night, River tracing lines over my skin as we drift in and out of consciousness.

At some point in the night, we both wake at the same time, and share no communication before we do it all over again: surrendering to each other for a second time. It's less mentally shocking than before, but physically it's just as remarkable.

We fall asleep in a heap once more, River holding me securely against his body, mumbling another reminder of his affections in my ear before drifting off. I sleep so deeply, I'm not even sure I dreamt.

When we wake, it's well into the morning hours. Light streams in from the windows around us, the woodstove containing just a glowing pile of ash and embers, having burned throughout the night and morning.

I shift, turning to face River who is still sleeping soundly. I fold my arms, resting my chin on top, watching his quiet breathing, the rise and fall of his chest. I notice the slight dusting of freckles over his olive skin, the summer sun having accentuated them.

A sigh escapes me, content and full, so incredibly at ease in this moment. I shift once more, pulling one of the pillows underneath me closer. Our movements in the night no doubt caused our makeshift bed to fall apart at the seams just a bit.

When I turn back to face him, I see his eyes blinking open, looking impossibly warm and inviting—like pools of chocolate, just begging me to slip inside and get lost.

I feel a smile spread over my face before I can even help it, taking in his sleepy expression and tousled hair. A giggle slips through me as I reach out to brush some of his hair back, running my fingers through it with gentle rhythmic motion.

"Good morning," I murmur softly, recalling all the events of the night again, hardly able to believe how incredible it all was.

River catches my hand as it weaves its way through his hair, taking it into his grasp and pressing his lips to my palm gently.

"I don't think 'good' even begins to cover it." He replies, his eyes slipping closed again as he places my hand on his cheek, and I instinctively begin running my thumb across the stubble.

"Hmm," I smile, giggling again, realizing he is completely right. "I suppose you have a point...Perfect morning, to you then." I respond, opting for a word I feel does better justice for how I feel right now.

River's arms snake around me, pulling me into him. I laugh as he buries his face in my breasts, his stubble scratching delightfully as he breathes me in, placing kisses on whatever exposed flesh is closest to him.

"How will I ever leave you alone after this?" he wonders aloud, as if posing the question more to himself than to me. I feel his hands roam across my back, splaying wide before closing, his fingers rubbing into my muscles, massaging gently.

I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him to me. I can smell his hair, the scent of the woods still fresh from our excursion yesterday.

"Who said anything about leaving me alone? We're going to be living together and seeing each other everyday." I remind him gently, amused. "Besides, when we get back, you're going to have no choice but to leave little old me and go attend to all the Alpha business with all those reinforcements arriving."

River sighs, his hold on me tightening just ever so slightly. His reluctance to have to leave this bubble of ours is palpable, perhaps because I feel it just the same. How wonderfully ideal it would be to never have to face anything to do with the Strikers or an impending pack war ever again...

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