Chapter 18: New Purpose

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Chapter 18: New Purpose


I am seated beside Holly and my dad as one of our elders, Vivian, goes about the funeral service speech that has been crafted over the years. There's a general script Vivian works from before she speaks about the individual specifically. Then she will ask the family to come up to say a few words, and then after them, it's my turn to stand up and speak as Alpha.

"Losing a member of our pack, our family, is a loss felt by all. Lucas was a fixture in our community, someone we all could rely on at a moment's notice." Vivian's grey eyes survey us all, lips pursed slightly. "Although his time felt too short, we trust his soul will find its way to where it came: we are birthed from the shadows, and we must return to the shadows. Despite how unfair and unjust it feels to lose a young soul, take comfort in knowing that tonight, he will rest."

Vivian looks to the Peterson family who are all gathered to the left of us, in the front row. Kathleen, Daniel, and Erica all rise up. Kathleen leans into her husband who is seemingly supporting her whole weight with his arm wrapped around her. Erica and her mom hold hands, her young features painted in a sadness that you can tangibly feel.

They turn to face the crowd that has congregated here, looking frail and shaky, like a strong gust of wind coming off the water would be enough to topple them all to the ground.

"W-we want to thank you for showing up today, and to those who have stepped in personally to help us while we grieve our son." Kathleen speaks, gripping a wrinkled Kleenex for dear life. I watch as her gaze lands on Holly, and they share a silent look of understanding.

I squeeze Holly's hand, thinking of the many days she's been leaving the house early to open the pre-school for Kathleen, and staying late to clean it all up, just to do it all again the next day. It has given Kathleen precious time to herself and her family to be together, offloading the stress that would otherwise have been piled on top of everything else. 

It's exactly the kind of thing a real Luna would do in the wake of a pack's loss.

"Lucas was the glue for our family. He made us parents for the first time, and he was so proud to be a big brother." Kathleen goes on as a quiet sob shakes through Erica. "His death was unexpected: the result of an unfair ambush from others we have never seen before. A horrible, tragic case of wrong place and wrong time." A collective growl sounds from the pack, low and unforgiving. "We know we can't change the past, as much as we'd like to." Kathleen sniffles and wipes her nose with her Kleenex. "That being said, our only hope now is that whatever future awaits Lucas, and the rest of us, it's a peaceful one."

Nods and hums of agreement circulate around us as Lucas's family goes about resting the white roses Holly acquired down on top of his casket. They pause there, giving a silent farewell to their son. 

It's hard to tell if anyone is even breathing while the Peterson's have their moment. They then turn back around, finding their seats once again, sinking down and against each other with tangible exhaustion. 

Vivian's eyes catch my own and I nod without word as I rise, releasing Holly's hand, but not before I feel a quick squeeze of encouragement from her.

I stand before my pack, seeing grim and somber expressions flickering in the lamplight. It's funny how emotions look the same on almost every face, every person, regardless of how different they might be. It's all the same muscles pulling and stretching over the same bones ...So little divides us once you begin to peel back the layers.

"There's not much anyone can say to lessen the pain of losing a loved one, I think we all can agree to this." I start off, briefly looking to the Peterson family. "However, I do want to assure you all of one thing: the future will be peaceful...But it will likely not come without further bloodshed." My voice carries over the rows and rows of people gathered, who are now shuffling uneasily. "The pack we encountered that day has now been identified, and I am seeing to it that more information is gathered, and action taken to ensure their defeat, and in turn, peace for our own." Excited murmuring breaks out, and I clear my throat to gain the attention again. "In the meantime, Lucas Peterson deserves a place in our thoughts, and his family any help you can offer. Tonight, we mourn him. Tomorrow, we avenge him."

The Shadow AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora