Chapter 21: Revelations

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Chapter 21: Revelations


River's hand is back in my own as he brings me outside, finding his way through the darkness with ease. He must have spent a lot of time here at this cabin to know the place as well as he does.

We pass by a barbecue and picnic table at the back of the cabin, rounding the corner into more darkness. River releases my hand and strides to the outside wall, and a moment later, a light springs to life illuminating the space before us.

There's a handmade wooden partition in front of me, concealing something from view. Curious, I walk closer to River, peering around to see it's covering something else with a blue tarp over it.

"This is easily one of the best amenities we have here." River looks like a kid about to unwrap a present. He grasps the edge of the large tarp, pulling it off in a few hard tugs.

Before us now, I see an outdoor shower and tub, situated a few feet apart from each other. The wooden partition grants privacy from anyone coming from the back side of the cabin but leaves the rest of the space wide open to view. This includes the woods to the right of us, as well as the lake, straight ahead.

The moon is rising now over the lake, three quarters full and so bright it's like a spotlight reflecting off the water. We almost don't even need the light on with how illuminating it is.

"This works?" I ask, genuinely shocked to see such a setup outside. "Like hot water and everything?" I ask, going closer to inspect the tub and shower. They're perfectly clean and preserved, due to the tarp protecting it from the elements.

River laughs. "Yes, it works just as well as the shower inside." He confirms. I feel his warmth approaching me, rolling off his body in the cool night air. His arms circle around my waist, pulling me into him as he skims his nose along my neck, breathing me in. "We could always test them out right now, to make sure." He suggests, and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

I shiver at the thought, recalling the last shower we shared together. It was more than enjoyable. My wolf is all but purring at the idea of having River's bare skin against my own.

"Hmm, we probably should, for the good of the cabin of course. If there are repairs to be done, how else will we find out?" I ask with a smirk as River's chuckle rumbles through me.

"Exactly, I knew you'd understand." He places a kiss beneath my ear before backing away and releasing his hold on me.

I turn and see him pulling off his jacket, then his shirt underneath. His bare chest is something I'll always revel in seeing; it doesn't get old, and I don't think ever will. He goes about undoing his belt now too, and I knit my brows in confusion.

"Right now? Shouldn't we change inside and get some towels first?" I ask him and he gives me a grin as he steps out of his jeans.

"No need," he says, turning to open the lid of a large plastic bin I hadn't noticed. He pulls out two fresh towels, tossing in his clothes in their place. "We can grab these in the morning. Not like anyone else is around here anyway."

"Well, when you put it that way..." I shrug and go about getting out my clothes as well. The air bites at my exposed skin more than it has all summer, and I hate to know that it's coming to its end.

River turns on the shower for us, and within just a minute there are clouds of steam rolling out into the night as the water beats down. He steps into the shower, and I admire the way the light reflects off his olive skin and toned muscles. He hangs his head back, relishing in the moment.

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