Chapter 32: Training Perspectives

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Chapter 32: Training Perspectives


It's ten o'clock. Holly has been at her training session for nearly five hours now and I haven't been able to bring myself to do anything useful except pace the fucking floor like my life depends on it.

I've had three cups of coffee but nothing to eat—the thought of ingesting food makes my stomach turn, and I'm not willing to risk seeing what happens if I do.

My mom and dad wanted to meet with me first thing this morning, which led to me explaining what I am going to do if Holly's exile ever occurs.

Telling them wasn't pretty but they know it's my choice in the end. They too, like Holly, raised many points about how vulnerable the Shadows would be if I left us in the hands of Sam on such short notice, and when we are so close to an impending battle, too.

I explained to them that Holly and I are not entertaining the idea of her exile seriously right now. We know the odds are stacked against us, but we'll be damned if we let Kyra have her way so easily.

I'm pacing my well-worn path from the kitchen island to the end of the living room wall when someone knocks on the front door.

I swing the door open only to reveal Desiree.

"Des?" I ask in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Desiree shoots me an annoyed look, tilting her head in dismay.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? That's the bigger question!" she exclaims, tossing her hands up in the air, her many bracelets and bangles clinking together dramatically. "Your mate is preparing for the literal fight of her life, and you're in here wearing a hole through your floor?"

Desiree's hard, no bullshit gaze locks onto me, her strawberry hair looking more fiery than usual—or maybe it's just her that is more fiery than usual.

I set my jaw and clench my fist gently as I'm reminded once more just how grave the stakes are for Holly in this.

"You don't need to tell me how serious this is, Desiree, I know." I turn away from her, leaving the door open so she can step through.

Desiree does, wasting no time stepping in and making herself comfortable as she leans against the kitchen counter, folding her arms as she watches me closely.

"Honestly everyone is so angry at Kyra for robbing Holly of her Title Night, she might not even make it to the combat challenge..." Desiree trails off and I frown, understanding just how disgruntled this has caused my pack to become in addition to Holly and I.

"I wouldn't be upset if they did do something." I admit without hesitation. "As far as I'm concerned, she is no longer of the Shadows. It is only her birthright allowing her to keep that identity right now." I seethe, clenching my jaw again as I think of the many ways I'd love to see Kyra defeated.

"True enough, but that isn't why I came here, River." Desiree re-directs the conversation. "You need to be there for Holly—physically be there, show up, support her." She says to me with a pleading look, and while I know she is right, the sinking feeling in my gut reminds me of why I cannot go.

I sigh heavily, raking my hands through my hair before staring out the window into the forest. The sun shines through the huge conifers, the squirrels are bustling about, so completely unaware and oblivious to my human problems...

The Shadow AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon