Chapter 2: Are You Kidding Me?

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Chapter 2: Are You Kidding Me?


After receiving Drake and Tyler's mind-link telling me of a trespasser who brought attackers with them, I bolt from my home and  to the trail that leads back to the main square.

I take to the trail at a run, knowing that these werewolves that have the nerve to cross my lines need to realize who they were dealing with. I'm not about to let anyone wreck or tarnish the unstoppable reputation both my father and I have spent years building.

I break through the trees to the heart of the village, only to find that practically everyone in the square is at a stand-still, watching a girl who has come to a full stop in the middle of the area.

At first I'm wondering who she is, and why the hell she's here if she doesn't have our pack's markings...But I'm caught off guard by her sweet intoxicating scent that floats toward me. It's so strong and overwhelming that I have to close my eyes and suppress a groan from escaping my throat.

She's spinning around, looking confused and completely frantic. There's blood running down over her shoulder and onto her chest and collarbone. Then, without warning, she lunges in what seems to be a totally unplanned and random direction—which is straight into me.

Her body slams against mine and I immediately reach out to grasp her small shoulders and steady her. But upon my flesh meeting hers, I feel something like an electric charge surge through my skin, sending vibrations throughout my body.

Her scent is now swarming around me with her this close, and as she begins to faint, I look down into her beautifully wild and yet innocent cerulean eyes. She collapses into my arms, her entire bodyweight falling onto me which I bear easily.

I feel my inner wolf awaken with a frenzy inside me—he's all but dying to get out and track down the bastards that did this to her. She's so fragile and soft in my hold. It feels like I could break her with the smallest of movements. 

I may not know this girl's name or where she's from, or why she's here, but it doesn't matter. I know without any doubt the true significance she holds. My wolf knows it too, feeling for the first time like he is now whole; complete.

She's my mate...The one I've been waiting my whole life to finally lay my eyes upon. The one who is going to understand me like no other. The one who will stand beside me through every storm and battle. The one I'm going to end up loving more than life itself.

Processing this in just a few seconds, I quickly sweep my arms underneath her legs, picking her up, my pack watching on with interest and curiosity. This is beyond uncharacteristic of me to be doing; they have yet to see their Alpha show even an inkling of interest in a woman before. Let alone a complete outsider.

"I need the nearest fighters at the creek! There are trespassers there, and both Drake and Tyler need your help!" I command, my voice echoing over the still silent area.

I turn swiftly on my heel, not caring to see the reaction of my members, and begin jogging back to my house. I know that it's the safest place for her to be right now. I also happen to have the supplies needed to get that shoulder to stop bleeding so damn much.

Her blood is sticky and warm against my own skin as her wound presses against me, and it pains me to see how much she's losing. Her skin is paling more and more, she's practically a sheet. I flex my jaw and pick up my pace.

I kick the door open to my house and rush her to my bedroom, laying her gently on her side to expose her shoulder to me.

She stirs momentarily, and once I confirm she isn't about to wake, I quickly go to the bathroom for the first aid kit. I return to her within seconds, sitting on the bed and ripping open the package of needles and suture thread.

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