Chapter 17: Preparations

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Chapter 17: Preparations


I brush my teeth as Holly slips into our bed, clad in one of those silky one-piece nightgowns that were manufactured for the sole purpose of testing my self-control. But then again, any piece of clothing she wears is always begging me to tear it off of her. So, it might not be the manufacturer's fault after all.

I replay the night in my head for the third time. I think I'm obsessing over it largely because I can hardly believe it went that well. As much as I had faith in Holly, I was worried my family's antics would be too much. 

Hell, it can be too much for me, and I was given a 23 year head start on getting used to it.

Yet, as usual, I am amazed by her. She talked to them like they were old friends catching up, asking questions, telling jokes, acting like none of it was any big deal. Which is hilariously ironic, given the minor meltdown her heart was having before we even got through the door.

I couldn't stop staring at her—I felt like such a creep. But it was only because I was struggling to believe all of it was really happening. My mate meeting my family, sharing stories over a cooked meal, all of us laughing far too loudly. 

It used to be a foggy daydream I'd all but given up on. I'd pretty well accepted none of what took place tonight ever would. It's hard, even now, to fathom she is there in our bed, nestled into those blankets, so unaware of how much her very existence means to me.

Fuck, I am so far gone.

I get into bed beside her, opening my arms so she can wrap herself around me, resting her cheek against my bare chest. I look down, seeing her eyes closed in the soft lamplight around us.

"I think, all things considered," she begins, pausing to yawn. "We did pretty good tonight."

I chuckle, thinking of how little she knows just how fucking great she was. 

"Yeah, you did. I think my family will be far too happy to trade me in for you when the day comes." I say this as I run my thumb across her shoulder. Holly shivers a little, snuggling in closer.

"Oh stop, they adore you." She says this as if it's ridiculous I don't realize it. "Your mum is the proudest parent in the world, I swear." I hear the smile in her voice, and I shrug.

"I guess—but don't all mothers feel that way about their kids?" I ask, feeling Holly's breath hit my skin.

"Hm, I suppose, to an extent. Probably a little different for everyone. But I think fundamentally most moms are hardwired to lean that way." I use my free hand to brush her hair back and away from her face.

Holly's eyes open sleepily to look up at me, curious. I place my hand on her cheek, smoothing my thumb over her skin.

"You are..." I struggle to find the words, having so much surging through my brain and yet not being able to pick any of it out. It feels like an endless stream of thoughts and emotions tidal-waving their way through my head. "You are unreal." I decide.

Because to me, she truly is. Holly is the person I thought I'd never find. The one who was just an idea, a concept, a dream. For years it felt like I was chasing a ghost, and like smoke, as one year passed into the next, the hope of having this slipped through my fingers. 

I never knew what all the clamour was for when someone found their mate—I've seen it more times than I can count in my pack. Yet I was quick to dismiss it as an exaggerated infatuation, a crush turned up to 11. 

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