Author Announcement - Book 2 Release!

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Hello everyone!

It's my absolute pleasure & joy to let you all know that Book 2 "Shadow Luna" is now underway, with the prologue being officially published as of today!

I am so excited for the journey we're about to embark upon together, and I cannot express enough just how grateful I am for all of your unwavering support in this story of mine.

I began this story many years ago and never would have believed so many people would wish to follow along with it, so please know, my saying thank you will always seem to fall short of how much it means to me.

You can find Book 2 on my page, and I very much hope to see many of you in the next installment of this series!

There is still so much yet to come, and I am honestly filled to the brim with excitement. I can't wait to bring it to you.

All my love,


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