Chapter 11: Clouded Emotions

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A/N: WOW! More than 700 of you!? That's amazing, thank you so much!

This is a steamier River/Holly chapter, one that I've had to alter a little for Wattpad's guidelines but will hopefully be published anyway! This is purely meant to show the new connection between this couple, and I really hope you all enjoy it :)

You're all beautiful people!

Xoxo, Undaunted


Chapter 11: Clouded Emotions


I sit bolt upright, grabbing her hand where it's just below my belly button. I'm caught somewhere between being angry and being impressed; it's a conflicting feeling.

"Holly what are you doing?" I ask, the surprise clear in my voice. I know it's a stupid question because I can tell perfectly well what she's planning on doing.

She sits up, her free hand brushing hair out of her face. "Well, I just want to's not fair I make you suffer like this and not do anything."

I want to shake my head but refrain from doing so. 

It's adorable she feels so inclined to help me, but at the same time, I don't want her jumping into anything; especially after what she just told me. She admitted it herself. She's practically still a virgin to all things sex-related. There's no way I'm going to ask her to step into that space with me just because I'm getting myself riled up.

I'm looking at her now, and she must be able to see my deep concern because she leans forward and kisses my jaw lightly. The simple motion causes my cock to flex in response, and I hate myself a little bit for it.

"Please River, let me. Let me see how much better it can get." Her voice is soft and shockingly alluring as she kisses my neck, furthering the trail she has started. I feel her teeth scrape over my skin as she playfully nips at my shoulder. I growl with primal response, loving the tiny shards of pain that accompany the pleasure.

A tremor passes through me as she licks a path down my throat, following up with a hard press of her lips at the end of the line she's drawn. This girl has so much control over me it isn't even funny.

"Are you sure?" I ask through my now staggered breathing, and she laughs a little bit as she nods, her cheeks flushing pink.

"You'll have to help me a bit...Guide me through some of it, but yes. I'm absolutely sure."

I smile slowly as her confirmation and sincerity resonates. I take her face in my grip and kiss her hard, feeling a swell of desire and pride that she's choosing me, choosing to do this because she wants to. She trusts me to be careful with her and her body. Her soft, inviting, gorgeous body.

"You're gonna have to let go of my hand, though." She reminds me with a smile as we part just slightly. I nod and release my grip, wondering for a moment where this is all going to go. "I haven't done any of this in a few years so hopefully it's just like riding a bike..." She trails off as if trying to assure herself of more of that than me.

"Don't worry, you really can't screw up." I say to her with unfiltered honesty. Her being in the same room as me has my breathing patterns changing and my skin aching to feel hers. I'm sure anything she does to me now will be fucking heaven.

She flashes a look of worry to me; clearly telling me I'm wrong about that and she can screw up.

Holly shifts her body a little as she ventures further south, her delicately hesitant touch waking up every nerve ending within me. She sits on either side of my lap and leans forward to kiss me.

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