Chapter 3: Impossible

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Chapter 3: Impossible


As the water pours down on me, I can hardly believe myself. I really just stood up, hell, even teased and taunted the Shadow Alpha.

"I must have a subconscious death wish." I mumble to myself, my voice not audible above the rush of the water around me.

But he's my mate—and something inside me—my wolf—knew it was okay to be that way with him. She enjoyed testing him and flaunting herself...So unattainable and yet so close. She enjoyed it way too much, and I can tell I'll be paying for that comment later.

It was a gutsy move, taking off my shirt like that. I noticed how he clenched his fists together when I said he wasn't my authority to follow. Which really, is true. Right now, I have no obligation to him. I don't belong to his pack. I haven't accepted him as my mate, and I sure as hell don't owe him anything.

That's not true.

My wolf barks at me disapprovingly. She's right; I do owe him something. He chose to save me when he could have just turned me away or ignored me. But then again, I am his mate. It would be against his very nature to turn his back on me—it's in his DNA to want to care for me, just as it's in mine to care for him.

It's an odd feeling, meeting River and feeling the uncanny pull I have to him, like a moth to a flame. Except this flame is thirty feet high, and so strong, and warm, and welcoming. Yet it's also laced with some kind of added drug, one I don't seem able to get enough of.

His skin against mine feels like tiny electrodes waking up within my cells, burning hot but torturously amazing all at once. His scent alone causes me to feel weak in the knees, for God's sake. In all honesty it's a bit pathetic what a puddle of mush I seem to turn into around him.

But I need him to know I am not going to be that girl that goes along with everything he decides. He's done God knows what to so many people, and the fact I've mated with this person for life is making me weigh my decisions very carefully.

I turn off the water, feeling too hot now that I've started thinking about the charcoal bands wrapped around his bulging biceps and the sharp angle of his jawline...His mid-section too, or the little I saw of it when he was blocking my way from reaching the door, is another part of him I would be very interested in exploring more of. I want to know every single inch of him, intimately.

I hang my head and let out an audible groan. "I had to mate with an Alpha." I murmur, shaking my head.

A damn Greek God of one, at that.

I step out and make a grab for the towel hanging off to one side, wrapping it around myself and my now clean, bloodstain-free body. Listening carefully, I can tell that River has since left—thank God.

I've lost much of my audacity now that I've thought everything over, and the adrenaline of my escape has seemingly worn off. What I did was stupid, granted it was a ton of fun to see him suffer my defiance. He is obviously someone who is used to being in full control, and it was amusing to tamper with that usual iron-grip he must keep.

I open the door and step out into his bedroom. I now have the time to take in the room since I'm no longer trying to run from him.

It has creamy beige walls, and the bed is massive with tan and gold pillows, adorned with blankets that still have streaks of my crimson blood upon them.

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