Chapter 29: Title Night

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Chapter 29: Title Night


            I stand at the edge of the dining area Holly spearheaded in setting up—she did a fantastic job, not that I ever doubted her—watching as more and more people file in to take their seats.

            I'm trying to recall the last time so many Shadows were gathered in one place, but I can't...Our resident pack generally needs no assistance when we look to claim new land and members, so a gathering of this size really might be the first of its kind. Or, at least, the first of its kind under my rule as Alpha.

            "Are you going to come join us or stand there, brooding?"

            A voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I look to see Sam a few feet ahead of me, standing at her chair at the head table. Her hair is done up in an intricate braid I'm sure my mom helped her with, and she's sporting what could be the nicest dress I've seen her wear.

            Sam has never been one for getting dressed up. I think the monthly dinners are the one exception she makes and does so mostly, I think, on account of my mother's insistence that this event calls for some sophistication. Unfortunately, for Sam, sophistication does not apply to ripped jeans and oversized hoodies.

            "I'm not brooding." I quip back at her, mildly irritated. "I'm just trying to remember the last time we had this many members in one place at the same time." I tell her honestly, crossing my arms as I rub my chin in thought.

            Sam casts her gaze out at the sea of heads before us, some still bobbing around as they try to find open tables to sit at.

            "Hmm," she muses, pursing her lips. "I can't say, really. This might be a first." She comes to the same conclusion as me, and I sigh before stepping forward to grasp the back of my own chair, two over from Sam's.

            "I don't know whether I should be worried or happy about it." I say, setting my jaw.

            Of course, I'm glad to have the support we need from some of our Eastern factions, but it only serves as a grim reminder that we as Shadows have never needed to assemble in this way before...That we've never encountered an enemy that required such a response from us...That's what is causing the churning in my gut.

            "Hey," Sam says curtly, grabbing my attention and pulling my gaze to hers. "You are not allowed to go all Mr. Doom and Gloom—especially tonight, of all nights!" she exclaims with more emotion that I expect. "This is a night about Holly—about both of you. It's meant to be fun, happy, even downright joyous." She rolls her eyes, but a smile reaches her lips and I too feel a slight twinge at the corners of my mouth. "Don't let all this Striker bullshit sabotage you from properly enjoying this...Holly deserves more than that."

            I feel a pang of emotion hit me as my sister's words resonate, and I look to her carefully for a moment before I respond.

            Sam looks genuinely like she cares, which is not something I see often from her. Sam is typically so unbothered by everyone and everything around her, it's like she has an impenetrable bubble around her at all times. If I'm honest, I've always envied her ability to be so untouchable to outside forces.

            Obviously, the evening Sam spent with Holly gave them an opportunity to get to know each other better...Just how much better? I'm almost afraid to find out. I never even thought about the prospect of my mate and my sister becoming acquainted, let alone friendly...Again, because I didn't believe I had a mate out there to introduce to my annoying little sister.

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