* * *

After she arrived at the restaurant, Karlie saw Taylor's mouth drop open. She wasn't used to having this kind of reaction on people. She wasn't used to being this adored. Karlie reacted the same to the business owner. She was in a tight black dress and black blazer. Seeing Taylor in the blazer drove her wild. They both just stood there staring at each other for more than a few moments. Taylor pulled her into a short hug. She breathed in her perfume, and it smelled like a Victoria's Secret fragrance.

"Karlie, you look like a model." Her face already felt hot.

"Thank you. You look gorgeous too."

"Do you like white wine?" Karlie nodded.

"There is something I'd like to ask. Earlier today, I had a meeting with a close friend of mine. She is a modeling agent. I sent her your headshots after we established our contract. She wants to arrange an interview with you in the next few weeks. Would you be okay with that?"
She knew Taylor was sincere with her words about helping her with her modeling career, but she didn't expect her to do something like this.

"Taylor, this is too much again I am...."

"Let me finish, sunshine. When I first saw you in person, I knew you could be a model. Then, when you told me about your dream. I wanted to help make that become a reality. She may only start you out doing a simple photo shoot or runway, but it's a great first step. I know you have a talent for dancing, and that is helpful in the modeling world."

Karlie couldn't believe her ears. She was astonished. Taylor had told her everything she only dreamed of hearing. After every fashion show she watched, she always wished to be up there with them. She watched fashion shows all the time with Sean. And, while he wanted to be with one of the models, Karlie wanted to be the model.   

"Can I hug you or something?" Karlie exclaimed, and once more, they stood. They embraced into a tight hug, and when they pulled away, Taylor pecked her cheek.

"This is amazing. You're amazing. Thank you." Taylor grabbed her hand after they were seated.

"I know what it's like to have a dream. I get to live out my dreams. I give singers record deals when no one else would because I understand what it's like. I believe in people. More importantly, I believe in you, Karlie. You're the kind of woman that deserves all of her dreams to come true. I expect to be there for your first fashion show? I'll be front and center."

How could one person be so incredibly charming? Karlie couldn't hide her grin and then felt a stray teardrop escape her eye. Taylor quickly wiped it away with her thumb.

"There is nothing I'd like more. This is beyond anything I could ever expect. Is that how you knew about my size?" Taylor raised her eyebrows and chuckled softly.

"I had to do a little research. Let's share a toast." Taylor added as she poured them both another glass of wine. As Taylor finished her second sip, she spoke again.

"I would like to know more about your hobbies and what stopped you from going to Harvard, if you don't mind."

"The biggest hobby I have besides dancing is cooking. I love to cook for people. I'm big into getting everyone together. Sean is probably sick of my cooking by now."

"You'll have to cook for us sometime."

"I'd like that. And as for Harvard... it didn't make sense for me to give up dancing for it. I was accepted into a science program, but it wasn't my passion. I moved to New York with Sean because of dancing. In hopes that dance could get me a modeling career. I know it may seem silly."

"It doesn't at all. It takes courage to grow up and become who you are."

"How cliché of a songwriter to quote poetry at me."

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