"I am serious"Amyra can't stop her laugh...

"Yeah yeah very funny," Christine said twitching her eyes. 

"I could also say the same thing when Alex picked you up and laid you down in your bed"

"What do you mean he picked me up?" Amyra was shocked at this.

"Mhm, he did and you were drunk last night so he came to drop you"

"My god!" Amyra Exclaimed...

We were totally in our conversation when David entered. 

" If you guys are done with your girlie talks, then Christian and Alex are waiting for you downstairs," said David.

" Yeah yeah we were going only," said Christine.

*After 15 minutes*

" Okay so the first thing we gotta do is take the students out through the back gate," said Christian

" Why back gate?" asked Christine.

" Because that's the only way that is not open to strangers or rather trespassers," said Christian.

" The next thing we gotta do is take each and every child out in a disciplined manner from each section and go to the alleyway then straight to the backyard," said Alex

" I've notified all the teachers and principals beforehand," said Amyra.

" I'll be in the reporter room and turn off the mics as they are sensitive to sound," said Christine

" And we have to be excessively alert to anything that can come and also be ready to fight," said Christian.

" We have to make this successful no matter what. It's a matter of innocent children " said Christine.

"Yes it will be successful and also as we take and bring the children out half of the forces would be present there and half would be with us as there are so many of them," said Alex and then took out a blueprint of the school. "Okay see here, this is the back gate, and here are the classrooms..." Alex explained the situation to Amyra and Christine cause others already know what is happening tomorrow and David would know it tomorrow cause he's the tech guy as said earlier he won't be needed in the field. 

"So that's the plan?" asked Christine.

"Yes," said Alex. 

"Alright," said Amyra, "I have some papers to sign and will head home" she added looking at Christine, who nodded in a yes.

After the four of them parting their ways, a text came to Amyra saying not to drink again. 

"I'll drop you home," said Christian to Christine.

He reached in front of her house she thanked him and was about to leave when Christian pulled her in...

"Christine I don't want anything to happen to you tomorrow, I'll do anything to protect you please this time don't risk your life for someone else"

Christine didn't say anything she just looked into his eyes. Thunder roared and they were inside the car looking at each other lost in each other's souls.

Christian and Christine's pov:

I can't resist anymore...

It was downpouring outside... with the smell of wetness around and the streetlight fell upon the glass window revealing parts of each other's faces when their lips met each other. Eyes closed with a hint of smile adding sweetness to each other's hearts. They both drowned in each other's lips, they heard nothing just them in the moment. A void got fulfilled in them, they found something which can't be explained in words and that's love. AND YES THEY BOTH ARE IN LOVE, there's is no going back. It wasn't just a normal teenage kiss, it was soul-filling, it made their bodies collide like stars in the universe, and it bloomed gardens in them, it was beautiful, and it felt complete. 

Their lips departed, and they stared at each other for a couple of seconds...

"Um... I gotta leave now goodnight Christian"

"Yeah, goodnight."

Christian's pov:

She's very important to me. I don't think I want to stay without her. She makes my heart smile, my stomach jumps on its toes, every bone sings songs and for the first time, my mind doesn't overthink about anything. I'm completely, truly, wholeheartedly, and honestly in love with her. CHRISTINE.

Christine's pov:

Everything was so sudden I couldn't react. Him pulling me into his embrace. We were not dating and we never confessed to each other. But his hugs and few flirtatious acts felt so common like we were actual boyfriend and girlfriend. I still can't process what happened today. 
Did I really kiss ' The Christian Hodson '? He is so so adorable. He is so hot. He is- I don't know. I think I need to calm down. 
Christine go and fetch yourself some water. I have to tell this to Amyra in fact immediately because anyway I'm losing tonight's sleep.

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