Chapter 49

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I swipe the sweat off my creased brow. "But how?" I question, doubtfully. "I-I-I'm not from your world. If a Pacifier is the only person who can kill him, how can that be me? How is it even done?"

Passion pushes her fingers through my black curls and wraps her arms around my bare chest. Her lips move against the piercings on my ear as she murmurs, "That's... that's what I'm trying to figure out too." She rests her head on my broad shoulder. "I wish you listened to me the first time we met. I wish you just obeyed when I warned you to stay away from me."

I place my hand on her neck. "I've heard this before, Passion, and I don't want to hear it again."

She stubbornly continues, "If you listened to me, this wouldn't have happened to us. It wouldn't have happened to the school. Dior and Doug wouldn't be in hospital."

"Passion, you know very well that if we drove straight to your brother's after the incident at the mall, instead of the construction site. The school and your friends wouldn't be involved. But we're not going to play the blame game right now. We'll figure this out."

Her glowing face frowns in confusion.
"What do you mean by 'we'? Who's we?"

"You and I," I cautiously start, "your parents and your friends," I slowly continue, then quickly finish, "all of us. Collen is growing suspicious and Drae saw your eyes change colour that night. They'll soon begin to ask questions we may not be able to avoid. My roommate and your ex have already started."

Passion shakes her head in denial. "No. I don't want anybody else to get hurt, a-a-and they won't understand-"

"Then we'll make 'em," I convincingly say, "just like you've made me."

Her cupid bow lips pout. "Jules, they'll grow afraid of me," she whimpers then closes her eyes. "My friends already think I'm some weird witch bitch, and don't get me wrong I do like the nickname but that's how far I want it to go."

Oh Passion. "Believe it or not, those hooligans care about you," I inform, "I saw it today. I saw it with my own pebble eyes - they love you more than you could begin to imagine..."

I pause and trace my thumb along the little born pimples on her forehead. " do I."

Her breathtaking eyes fly open, but the single action that threateningly takes my breath away is her cracking embrace, and not in a good way. She withdraws from my loving affection and stands up straight.

"I need to tell you something," Passion mumbles, "Adrienne's puppets aren't dead. Last night, when I reversed time, I accidentally swapped their places with Douglas' and-"

"I know," I reassuringly interject, "I had a feeling."

"No, you don't know!" she snaps, "I need to tell you everything. I need to make you understand that there is no way in hell that I-"

I anxiously rub her face. "You're starting to scare me," I admit.

Passion walks around the chair and sits on my lap. I'm taken by surprise when she grabs my palm and caresses it with shaky hands. "Jules, this is just the beginning of a upcoming war.
"It won't be as easy as squeezing juice out of a lemon or as sweet as a bee's honey. It will be hard. The troubles and problems won't end - they never will. Things will worsen until Adrienne and his resurrected minions find us in the flesh. We will be in danger, not just you and I, the entire school will be. Hammersmith will be. Every single person will have a price to pay because of me."

I blink when I see the colour in her eyes changing. "Passion. Passion, you need to breathe-"

"The only way for things to end is if I surrender my mimicking powers to him and let him kill me or if we both die in his diabolical wrath before the truth comes out-"

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