Chapter 31

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I'm standing tall, firm, and still before this vertical mirror. Silent, quiet, hushed but observant, staring at my reflection. Inhaling and exhaling while I take in my appearance.
Who knew that a day like this will come to pass and I'd be feeling happy - no. Correction: giddy but nervous at the same time. Debating with the matter of fact and the truth inside my head. Sitting back and watching the fight go on, after attempting to play referee but sadly, failed.
My mind is a battlefield, a gore war zone.
Kicks and punches of fact, swords and arrows of truth, having a fight of their own. Having a fight with their thoughts. Fighting long and hard - brutally and lethally till the very end.

"Jules, snap out of it."

"Not now Drae, I'm still processing all this," I counter.

"Come on stop, you look even paler than you are. Get your eyes off the mirror," he orders.

I don't budge, I don't move, I remain still. My eyes remain still, everything in me remains still. I am still and frozen. I am a mannequin.

"Jules," Drae's reflection rolls his desert eyes in the mirror.

The war and conflicts in my head between the matter of fact and truth ended on a not so clean slate. Turns out, swords and arrows are more dangerous than kicks and punches, when it comes to thoughts of war.
Fact lost and truth won, the truth was:
I was about to go out with Passion.
Correction: Passion Papillon - The Spitfire was about to go out with me - Her Pacifier.

"I must be dreaming," I murmur to myself.

"God, you're so dramatic," Drae says and grips my shoulders, shaking the life out of me. My vision blurs and shakes along with my body. Drae turns me around and a familiar burn takes place on my face.
Dramatic? I'm not dramatic at all, you just don't know shit. You don't know her.

"Snap out of it," he orders.
When I don't reply nor move, he backhands me again and my body doesn't bother to flinch or dodge the slap.

"Jules, snap out of it," Drae points his pointer at me.

"I'm trying," I say holding my cheek. I'm only feeling the burn of the first slap now and it's stinging real good.

"Then try harder," he shouts as he glares at me.

"Okay, okay," I nod vigorously.

"Good," Drae praises and grips my neck tightly. "Now, I want you to breathe in..." He inhales a deep breath and I do the same. "Then out," he exhales and I exhale too.

I'm back in therapy taking orders from my therapist but this time, the only difference is, my obnoxious roommate is my therapist. My obnoxious time traveler and crush is the reason for my pale face being slapped in therapy. After Passion left my...our dorm last night and my bed smelled like her, all the things she informed me about her world started to sink in. Every word she said only sank in after she revealed the scenery of her world in this dorm. After she kissed me. I've noticed that Passion kisses me after or before we've teleported to her world as a brush to brush how serious things are off. She uses her strawberry, savoury lips to hide how serious this is, how serious her name and power is and I'm left dealing with the aftermath alone. I'm caught up in all this because we're apparently bonded by fate or should I say time? A molecule of me is eager to hunt for more truths, more answers but I can't come up with any questions to ask. I was starstruck in the shower and so, I'm starstruck here now.
This is what shock does to you.

This is what Passion does to you, my subconscious mind corrects me with a dramatic eye roll.

This time his smarty ass is right. Passion does this to me, she does things to me.

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