Chapter 10

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I yelp and she makes the cup stand before anymore of my coffee spills.

"Shit, I didn't mean to-"

"Yeah sure you didn't mean to, Passion."
I interject and dab my wet thigh with my jacket. The milk has dyed my grey tracksuit brown and white.

"Here," she says but I ignore her and see her dabbing a tissue on my thigh, trying to dry it a little. I squirm and glance to her, watching her doing the unbelievable but she continues in her frantic state, apologizing and cussing herself. My thigh rocks up but she presses it down and grips on it to keep it in its place. I don't want her to stop but I can't ignore the eyes that are now dawning upon us including the table her friends are eating at.

"Passion it's okay, it's stained anyway," I speak beneath my breath and smile nervously.

She looks up at me, embarrassment written all over her face. Along with that, realisation follows and makes her hand slowly lift off my thigh. Her glossy straight hair covers her pink cheeks and her ear like a curtain but I fearlessly tuck it behind her ear and watch her eyes glisten with a different shade of colour.

Black and purple flicker on her irises like spitting sparks of electricity and the veins on my neck strain.

"I'm really sorry," she whispers.

I lean in to observe her eyes, the sparks are gone but her irises are a full purple.
I see the veins within her retina and hear her heart beat loud against my ear as if it has been put on speakers.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Y-your eyes," I stutter and my mouth gapes.

"Jules you are too close," she retorts.

I gasp and sparks appear again. Flickering like failing electricity.

"What did you just say?"
As I rest my hand upon the back of her neck, goosebumps appear with just the feel of my rough fingertips.

"Passion say it again...y-you called me Jules."
I am ignited and stunned. I feel what she's feeling and that gives me a headache like the last time.

"Stay away." Her breath shakes and she sits back up, her face away from mine and tosses the tissue to the spot of coffee.
She pours half of her hot chocolate in my cup and shoots glares to the approaching crowd. Her face is on the floor so I can't see her eyes again.

"It's the detention royalties!" Drae chants and I glare at him before sighing when he sits and his copy cats copy.

Passion shifts uncomfortably, closer to me and sits on the edge of her stool when Douglass sits right next to her.
She sits in-between us and sips her cup of hot chocolate. Half of it 'cause she shared it with me.

"Nice to see you too, Drae," I groan and he rolls his eyes.

"You two thinking of ways how to spend your time alone. Again. Probably in detention." Collen teases.

"Yeah definitely. If it's far away from you nose prickers the better," I smile.

Passion chuckles and looks at me.
Her eyes are green.

What's with her eyes?

Who is she?

"Chill out, Jules." Drae hisses and gives me a look that says something else;

"What are you doing with this girl, she's going to kill you, dumbass."

I sigh mentally at my subconscious who's not helping at all because that's just stupid.

"You look hot Evelyn, more attractive without those stubborn curls everywhere."

"Get your hands off my hair, Collen!"
Passion swats at his hand and pushes her hair behind her ear.

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