Chapter 16

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Passion's English Homework;

Heathcliff was a fool for love. A sucker and a genuine, noble man who ended up being all by himself, lonely and soul-less. He was a baby who could be easily tricked by a pacifier or warm bottle of milk.
He was madly in love and bounded to Catherine Earnshaw's forever spell that haunted him 'til her appointed grave.

Catherine was selfish to express her love for a man she refused to marry but hesitated not to summon grief to fall upon his life like  rain of flames. Burning his flesh and turning his heart to absolute ashes.

Why express love to a person who will treasure those intimate moments forever whilst you'll move on to another like your previous meant nothing?
Why utter the words; 'I love you' but easily take them back by your actions?
If love comes with pain, tolerance, endurance and forgiveness it is best to rebuke it before acted out.
But what can you do when you've already given in to the weakness of love?
Can the actions be easily taken back?
Since actions speak louder than words?

I am afraid not.

Heathcliff should have not forgiven Catherine, for the pain she had caused him and was not wrong when he did not forgive the murderer she became either.
A physical murder is unforgivable and an emotional murderer is unforgettable, those who forgive an emotional murderer are fools to love and are most likely to be murdered again. You are your own murderer if you allow your heart to be murdered again because of the stupidity and endurance of pain that comes with love.
You're a fugitive to your soul and most likely a murderer like Catherine Earnshaw.
Your soul is your own and separable from your lover's unless binded by fate, but fate is only belief and belief isn't certain to be true or false until you find out personally the day you die.
The truth is what will set you free, not last minute fantasies.

Love is brutal to innocent hearts but lethal to darkened souls.

And I simply can't be a part of it.

. . .

The girls walked in and found a place to sit, it was just us in the room, the thought made me flush. When they rested the books they carried on the desk, Dior sat but Passion did not. She didn't even see me sitting at the back on the last desk in a corner. If she did, she hid it well but my yearn for her has overcome my loneliness misery.
I am lonely without her.
I have concluded it this very minute.

Harry is so lost in his email that he doesn't notice me suffocate in my thoughts, drown in my pool of yearn and squirm in my seat.
I try to compose myself when Dior's head cocks up at the sound of Harry's aggressive mouse tapping. Harry will lose focus if he sees her and end up not sending Emily's email. I just know it.
He turns to me with concern.

"What's up?"

"Dior is here," I whisper.

"Dior?" His eyes enlarge as he looks around anxiously for Dior. When their eyes meet, his face lightens up and I know Emily is about to lose a great, loyal boyfriend.
She waves at Harry and I cringe when I see her approach our desk with her books in hand. Harry is blushing hard.

"Did you send the email?" I ask him before Dior reaches us. He's caught up in his own fantasy world. Great.

"Harry," I whisper-hiss. He zaps out of his fantasy day dream and blinks at me blankly.

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