Chapter 11

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Its five minutes passed our English lesson and Miss Madrid hasn't made it to our class yet. She's probably running late or scrubbing the red lipstick she always has smothered on her braces with floss.
Its 13:35, I'm staring at the old building walls and the circle clock on the cracked wall. Everything about this school is ancient and old fashioned, like it's the 1900's when it's actually the 2000's but maybe that's because this is England and that's just how England works.

Its 13:37. Time is ticking fast.
Taunting me for sure and torturing every second I sit next to Drae, offering each other the silent treatment. I wish I was sitting with Joe or Harry, having them behind me isn't enough as having them next to me.
Its 13:38. I drop my face in my hands and rake my fingers through my dry curls.
I'm growing impatient and for the first time ever I miss this red-headed mistress.

"Where is she already?!"

The class stare at me and I cringe in my seat.
I did not mean to be so loud, I'm frustrated.
I curse myself and slouch on the desk.

"There's a teacher's meeting in the dean's office."

I look behind me to search for the person who owns the whispered voice. Joe and Harry's heads are buried in comic books.
It can't be Drae.

"I'm talking to you dumbass," he says.

Yup, it's him.

"Stop calling me that and leave me alone," I groan. I can't wait for the bell to ring so I can be the first to leave, run to my dorm and die quietly alone.

I was happier when I was alone because I had no reason to be unhappy with my own company.

"You asked a question so I answered it," he says. "I was talking more to myself," I snap.

"Yeah sure you were," he rolls his eyes.

"What more do you want from me Drae? Another shouting or cussing match or another rambling marathon for every one to cheer on. I need my own space right now but that's fucking impossible since we're fucking desk mates and we share the same fucking dorm."

I shut my eyes and breathe in and out before I start hyperventilating again.
I might need a brown paper bag. Soon.

"Chill out, I'm just trying to talk to you."
I glance to him and he sighs.

"I didn't mean to humiliate you about your love for Evelyn publicly...honest."

"Whatever," I snap.

He looks like he's glaring at me, only his thick lips form a smile, betraying what his face is insinuating.

"I liked you better when you didn't have the balls to scold me every time."

"Really?" I ask annoyed.

He shrugs and chuckles. "I'm juss sayin'."
I nudge him with my elbow and he playfully acts like I stabbed him with a dagger.

I fight the strong urge to laugh and chew on the inside of my cheek.

Okay, I admit I'm failing on staying mad with Drae which I despise so much. My annoying and obnoxious room mate who over loads me with stress on top of the one I already had kinda makes me sane. Our differences in features and personalities helps us get along after a cussing finale and shouting match of course. I don't really know if he counts as my friend, though.

Not yet or maybe never.

For now we're getting comfortable?

"Why is there a meeting during a lesson anyway?" I ask breaking the silence that screamed so loud for my subconscious to bare.

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