Chapter 36

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"I think we lost them."

Passion carelessly pulls over to a road I'm foreign to, skew.

Amongst tall trees, the England murky breeze and the dark solemn ground filled with overgrown weeds; we sit panting from the rush of adrenalin we felt gushing in our veins from the previous horrifying event we unexpectedly faced.

"I think we lost them a long time ago before you sped on the freeway like a complete maniac," I correct, faltering in my seat. Finally relaxing for the very first time in this truck, inhaling her lemonade scent.

I had to sit up straight through the entire bumpy ride whilst Passion drove like we were fugitives on the run, with her seatbelt unbuckled and her face strenuous. I have no doubt, whatsoever, that she has done this a couple of times. My brain wounds as it begins to count the red robots she ignored, the motorists she cursed and fled passed through. May I add; the shiny new, looking bumper, belonging to a maroon sedan she plunged into, when reversing from her parking spot in Block C.

During the nerve racking death ride, I've been sitting with one bum, against my door, gripping onto my buckled seatbelt and resting my head against the leather cushion, praying to God I don't die painfully in a car crash with her.

Passion frowns at me as she incredulously mocks, "A complete maniac," then snorts, "Wow! As if we had a choice."

"We had a choice," I interject, my words pulled and drained. "Get out of there before they spot us and lock us up, not speed with no seatbelts buckled on the freeway."

The crescent moonlight is peaking out of the grey clouds, enlightening the windscreen and our bodies, unfortunately not enlightening our dull moods.

"Don't you think it's called 'freeway' for a bloody reason?" She rests her elbow on her window and glares at me dead on the face.

"Drive freely, recklessly or however you want to because it's..." Passion suddenly pauses to blankly blink past me like a deer in headlights and waves her hand explaining. "Because it's a free... way."

I ultimately chuckle at her speechlessness, "Are you hearing yourself right now? Or is it me alone because clearly you're not reading the room here. It wasn't just 'freeways' Passion; it was alleys, streets, intersections, turns and freaking robots! Shining the obvious colour red which means you should stop when you see them!"

"What would you rather have me do? Give ourselves in and get arrested for shoplifting?" She questions.


I straighten. "I would rather have you drive like a sensible person like other sensible people on the road and not drive like the world is ending. For God's sake we didn't shoplift anything!"

Passion is a very aggressive driver who pulls her slender middle fingers at innocent, motorists when they stop at a red light or make a U turn. She unbelievably told 7 people to fuck off and shut me out when I apologized on her behalf. The level of embarrassment I ranked in one moment was indecipherable.

"So, I'm senseless?" She dares to ask and leans closer to the passenger seat. Her pierced tongue licks her lips and her nostrils flare. "Jules, is this about my excellent driving or the fact that I took those pills?"

I bury my face in my opened hands and silently curse at the universe. It's not just that; it's the pool of blood, the Time Changers, the mall, the securities, the hallucinogens, the hallucinations, the Time Traveling, the hallucinating, my mom.

"Fuck, it's about everything," I groan into my hands. "And that you're a reckless driver, not an excellent one. You're far from it."

My hair prickles at her supercilious scoff and I turn to watch her nod to herself, surely letting my words sink in. She turns away from me, only to return a quick glance that shoots darting daggers before exploding like a sparked dynamite. "You're not the only one having a hard time, don't be selfish."

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