How are you doing?

Start from the beginning

I had tried to mention that I knew something to my family, but they didn't listen to me. They all just kept saying that she was only acting like that because she missed Kailey.

They had said that so much, that I had started believing it. I started thinking that I was just making things up, and nothing was actually going on.

If only I had listened to my gut in the first place and just talked to her.

Kailey on the other hand, I'm not entirely sure what happened to her.

From what the triplets said, I guess somebody had set her up, and basically planned her whole sûícïd3. I'm not quite sure how that works or what happened, but I'm pissed that I wasn't there for her.

But it wasn't my choice. If I had the choice, I of course would've stayed with her and the triplets. But no.

When JJ and his brothers came to take Kailey back, they took Jamie and I, as well as the triplets.

They locked Jamie and I in a room together, in a completely different part of the building from where the kids were.

All I know is that the four of them; the triplets and Kailey; were all locked in a room together, and that's where Kailey committed.

I'm not sure how she did it without them realizing, but she somehow did.

I miss you kids. I miss you so much.


Landon's pov:

We're officially on our way to the cemetery to visit the girls.

It's been four years since Luna, and three years since Kailey.

I miss them like hell, and I wish I could've stopped them. Instead, I just decided to keep being a dumbass and an asshole, and not even thinking about it.

When we get to the cemetery, I immediately head to their graves, and sit on the rock in front of them. I open one of the 3 bottles of wine we brought, and I dump some on both of their graves.

They're officially old enough to drink now.

I sit there and watch as the ground slowly absorbs the wine.

As I'm watching the wine soak into the ground, I decide to take a swig of what's left in the bottle.

I then raise the bottle in the air towards their graves, and say, "bottoms up, girls," right before my siblings and parents come over.

I miss you two so much. I'm sorry for being an ass of a brother, but just know, I love you guys. So much.


Lucas' pov:

I walk over and sit next to Landon on the huge rock, before looking at the girls' graves.

'I can't wait to see you again, and when I do, you'll get the biggest hug.' Lily's says.

'Don't think of me as dead. Just think of me as living in my final home.' Kailey's says.

The day her heart shattered 2Where stories live. Discover now