Killing someone?

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Kailey's pov

When I wake up, the triplets are on Lucas and Landon's bed, whispering to each other, but I can hear snippets of it.

"Do we tell her?"


"Not coming back?"

"'Tell her I'm sorry?'"

"Sorry for what?" I cut in as I sit up, adjusting the pillows behind me.

They all snap their heads in my direction, talking over each other.

"What?" Lily.

Nothing!" Lucas.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm mute and deaf. I can't hear or talk," of course this comes from Landon.

"Way to go Landon," Lucas hits him in the back of the head.

"Dude, why do you always have to do that?" Landon scowls as he rubs his head.

"Kailey, are you killing someone?" Lucas blurts.

"What? Why would you ask me that?" I ask, hopefully looking calmer than I feel.

"Kailey..." Lily starts, but stops.

"JJ said he was going to come back later to take you to kill someone, and then once he brings you back here, he's going to leave and never come back. He also told us to tell you he said he's sorry, for everything," Landon says in one breath, clearly because he wasn't supposed to.

"Landon!" Lucas and Lily both hit him.

Probably seeing the terrifying expression on my face, Lily asks, "Is it true? Are you really going to kill someone?"

"I-" I begin crying. "Yes. It's true."

"Who?" Lucas asks, now sitting next to me.

"It's-" I get cut off by the door opening, and JJ walking in.

"I'm sure these three," he nods his head at the triplets, "have already told you what's happening. Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I whisper as I stand up and walk towards him.

"Stay here for just a second," he says to me once I'm out into the hall, before he walks into the room and shuts the door.

I try to listen to what he's saying, but can't understand it. Although I'm sure I'll find out later anyway, with Landon's big mouth.

"Alright, let's go," he says when he comes back out.

Once we get to the basement, and as we near Sean's room, the harder it is to breathe.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Angel? You don't have to," JJ holds my hands when we stop in front of the door.

"I'm sure. I need to do this."

"Alright. Well just to let you know, there are 2 guards in there. Xavier is in there, Oliver is in there, and I'll be in there as well. Is that ok?" He asks before letting go.

"Yes, that's amazing actually. It means I have a little audience. Which is exactly what I need. I also need 3 other things," I say while smirking.

"What do you need?" He asks, looking a bit scared.

Good. He should be.

"I need a gun and I need a knife. Well, two actually. Preferably one that's long and sharp, and the other one, smaller, but still sharp, and I need his shirt off."

"O-ok. Uhhh is that all," he looks around like he's trying to find somewhere to run.

I lean in so I can whisper in his ear, "I need you to get his pants and boxers off of him." I lean back so I can look at him, and his face has gone completely pale.

I laugh at him. "Is something wrong, JJ?"

"You're scary as hell is what's wrong. I can't tell if you're pissed or what you are."

"Oh, I'm pissed. I'm more than pissed right now."

"Ok then. Note to self: never piss off Kailey. Got it," he says as he slowly backs up.

"Oh, chill out. I'm not going to do any of this shit to you, unless you deserve it," I mumble, but he still heard me.

"Yup! Never pissing you off! I'll go get your stuff right now, and tell the guards in the room to do what you requested!"

I laugh as I watch him run into the room as quick as he can to get away from me.

Five minutes later, Oliver comes out to get me, but before he lets me in, he says, "Listen, I may not know you, but you don't seem like the kind of girl who kills. You don't have to do this."

"I'm doing this," I say, and he lets me in, so the fun can begin.

The day her heart shattered 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora