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Landon's pov

"Hello, Landon. Nice to see you again."

"S-Sean?" Kailey says in shock as we all stare at her cousin standing in the doorway.

What in the absolute fuck? Wasn't he just half dead like 2 days ago?

He turns to face her. "Oh, hey, Kailey. Lucas. Lily," he acknowledges them with a nod.

He starts walking towards Kailey, and crouches down in front of her, running a finger down her cheek.

"Sean, what are you doing?" She whispers.

"Get your filthy hands off of her!" I yell as I run towards him, but Lucas grabs me and holds me back.

"Lucas, let go of me," I say through gritted teeth.

"No. Let Kailey do this. We can intervene if necessary."

I look back at Kailey who looks terrified. "Sean, what are you doing here?"

"Why, I'm here to see you, of course. Is it a crime to come see my favorite cousin?" He asks in a taunting voice.

"If it's you, then yes. You're just here to hurt me again! I won't let you! Get away from me!" Kailey yells as she kicks him in the groin, before standing up and darting to the door.

Before she can even get out of the room, Sean grabs her around the waist and throws her to the ground.

"Now can I do something?!" I ask Lucas while struggling to get out of his grip.

"Yeah, go," he says as he lets me go.

Before I can get to him, Lily has already jumped on his back, and is now choking him. "Don't you fucking touch her! You keep your damn hands off of he-" she gets cut off as Sean slams her against the wall, making her let go of him and sink to the floor.

"Same old Lily. Always using her squeaky, high pitched voice to yell at people," Sean says while rolling his eyes.

"Sean, please. Leave them alone!" Kailey yells at him while standing back up.

"Oh, don't worry. I will. I don't want anything to do with them. It's you I'm here for."

He quickly picks her up, and before Lucas and I can do anything, he slams the door and locks it behind him.

"FUCK!" I yell as I pound on the door.

"Damnit!" Lucas yells, while also pounding on the door.

All Lily does is groan from the pain of being smashed against the wall.

"Shit! Lily!" I stop pounding on the door and run over to her, crouching so I'm at her level.

"Are you ok, Lil?" Lucas asks as he follows me.

"Y-yeah. I'll be fine."

"Lily, go get on the bed. Lucas and I will keep watch incase anyone comes in," I tell her while picking her up, and carrying her to the bed.

"Fine," she says, and the moment her head meets the pillow, she's out.

"This isn't good," Lucas says. "Kailey's with that fucker, and Lily most likely has a concussion."

"Damnit!" I yell as I hit my head against the wall behind me, and slide to the floor with my head in my hands as I start sobbing.

The day her heart shattered 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum