Not twins

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JJ's pov

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry..." Kailey says between sobs as she holds onto me tight.

"I know you are, Angel. I know," I say as I rub her back.

After a while, once she's finished crying, she gets off my lap and sits next to the window again, looking outside.

"I never meant any of it, you know," she says without looking at me, still staring out the window.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"When I told you I never wanted to see you again. When I said I wanted you out of my life. I didn't actually mean it. I was just super pissed off, and Oliver was only making it worse, and i took it out on you. I never really wanted you gone. I'm sorry," she says as she begins crying again.

"Kailey, please stop crying. It's ok, I promise. I'm not mad at you. Not at all," I say in a calm voice.

"You're not?" She asks while looking up at me, sniffling.

"No," I say, giving her a smile. The first genuine smile I've given in months.

"Well, I'm glad you're not mad at me," she says as she wipes her tears, and looks back out the window.

"Kailey, there's something I need to tell you. Now may not be the best time, but I need to tell you at some point. It's something I've needed to tell you for a long time..." she slowly turns her head towards me.

The triplets are now beside her as well, clearly interested in this new story I'm telling.

"JJ? Are you ok...?" She asks when I haven't spoken.

"Yeah, sorry. I just need a minute to gather my thoughts," I say as I shake my head.

I sigh before starting, getting ready to tell the story of the worst day of my life.

"Charlie and I, we're not just twins..." I say, hoping she'll catch on, and remember the conversation we had when she first got here.

"What do you mean?" She and the triplets ask at the same time.

So she doesn't remember. Got it.

"Kailey, do you remember one of the first conversations we had when you first got here? When I mentioned I was on a mission?"

"Vaguely, but yes. Why?"

"Do you remember who I said I was with?"

"You said you were with your sisters. Plural. But that doesn't make sense because you only have one sister; Charlie," she says, giving me a questioning look.

"Yes, I said sisters, plural. I had two other sisters," I say, and her eyes grow wide.

"What do you mean? What happened?" She quietly asks.

"They umm. They were murdered three years ago..." The words felt stuck on my tongue, I had to force them out.

"By who? How?" Kailey questions.

"You had other sisters?" The triplets ask at the same time, staring at me.

"They were killed by your father!" I practically spit at Kailey, causing her to raise her hands and flinch back.

"Don't fucking yell at her like that," Lily growls before slapping me.

"Sorry," I whisper while looking at her.

This bitch is fucking scary.

"Kailey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that," I say as she lowers her arms back down.

"Just continue," she says, not meeting my eyes.

I sigh before continuing. "Three years ago, Oliver sent my sisters; Charlie, Autumn, Everleigh, and I on a mission."

"And what was the mission?" Lily asks.

"We had to sneak into Alex's mansion and collect information about him, and more about Kailey," I say as I glance at Kailey, who's still not looking at me.

"Once we had gotten to the mansion, we decided to split up into two groups and go to opposite ends of the house. Charlie and I went to the south end, while Autumn and Everleigh went to the north end," I explain.

"We were there for about two days before we decided we had enough information. I texted the girls and told them where we would meet. On the way to the meeting point, Charlie and I heard a scream come from where they were."

"We immediately ran to the north end of the mansion, and when we got there, I had to yank Charlie back behind the wall, and cover her mouth as we both began silently crying from what we saw...."

"What? What did you see? What happened?" Lucas asks.

"Did you see blood? Were guts on the floor? Were  brains on the walls?!?" I swear to god, I'm going to kill Landon.

"LANDON!!" Lily, Lucas, Kailey, and Charlie? -When the hell did she get in here?- All yell at him while hitting him.

"When the hell did you get here?" I turn to Charlie.

"That doesn't matter. Continue the story," she says while smiling at me.

"Don't mind this dumbass who doesn't know how to watch his mouth," Lily says while rolling her eyes and shooting a glare at Landon, who doesn't look sorry at all.

"Ok, whatever," I roll my eyes at their childish actions.

"Anyway, when we rounded the corner of the hallway the girls were in, we saw Everleigh lying in a pool of her blood on the ground, dead, while Alex held a gun to Autumn's head. I just had to stand behind the wall, holding Charlie as we listened to Autumn scream and cry as he killed her."

"I wanted so badly to help her, but it was too late. He had already beat the absolute shit out of her. He had even stabbed her. She was already half dead, and there was no way we could've saved her..." my voice breaks at the last part.

"So JJ had to carry me out of the mansion as I continued sobbing all the way back to our house. That was the last time we ever saw our sisters," Charlie says with tears streaming down her face.

"That's also why Charlie and I call ourselves twins, instead of saying we're technically quadruplets. Nobody knows there were four of us. All anybody knew was that our mother gave birth to two babies, not four. Nobody knew she had more than two. So it was easier just to tell everyone we're twins," I say before standing up, and walking out the door, with everyone staring at me.

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