Something important

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Lily's pov

I'm not sure how long it's been since JJ left, but I know it's been a while. Apparently, I ended up falling asleep after he left, and Lucas and Landon just started talking about childhood memories.

I awake to the door being unlocked and somebody walking in. I look over and see JJ standing at the door.

"So? Where's Kailey??" I ask as I jump to my feet and walk towards him.

"Xavier moved her to a different room. She's sick right now, and he doesn't want to get you three sick, therefore he moved her. She'll be back when she's feeling better," is all he says before walking back out the door, locking it behind him.

I just stand there staring at the door, still trying to process what he just said.

Sick? How is she sick?

"Lily?" I hear Lucas call my name, and I turn to face him, to see him and Landon staring at me. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just confused as to how she's sick. She hasn't been near anyone other than us, and we're not sick. And it's so sudden. She wasn't sick before."

"I don't know, Lily. I mean, she didn't feel good before when we were at home. Hell, she could barely even walk on her own without getting dizzy and almost falling over. So maybe she was already sick befo-"

"Shit!" Landon yells, cutting Lucas off.

"Uhhh, Lan? You good?" I question.

"No! What if she's pregnant?"

"What do you mea-"

"Oh my God. You're right," I say while putting a hand over my mouth.

Finally Lucas is starting to get what we're saying. "Wait, you're not saying that...?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying," Landon says while looking him straight in the eye.

"He got her pregnant," I finish.

"Fuck!" The three of us yell at the same time, and glare at each other.

"Shit. We need to tell JJ, or Xavier, or somebody! This isn't good!" Landon says as he roughly runs a hand through his hair.

Lucas goes over and starts hitting the door. "JJ? XAVIER? Somebody? We need you in here!" He yells.

Landon and I go over to join him.

"JJ! Xavier! We have something important to tell you!" The three of us yell at the same time as we all pound on the door.

"You kids need to chill out. Xavier and JJ are both on their way," a guard on the other side of the door says.

"Well they need to hurry! We have to tell them something!" I yell.

"They're coming up the stairs right now. They'll be here in just a second," he says.

Seconds later, we hear the door being unlocked, and we all back away as it slowly opens, and JJ and Xavier walk in.

"JJ! Xavier!" We yell at the same time, and they just look at us like we're crazy.

"What...?" JJ.

"What was so important that I had to stop my work?" Xavier.

"We think Kailey's pregnant," once again, the three of us say this at the same time.

"Excuse you?"

"What?" JJ and Xavier say at the same time.

"JJ said that she was sick. He said you moved her to a different room because she's sick, and you didn't want us getting sick too," Lucas says.

"But I didn't think that sounded right, because she wasn't sick before we came here. We've been here for a week and we're the only one's she's been around," I say as I point between me and my brothers.

"But then we realized that she had been with someone besides us. She was with Sean-"

"Who's Sean? And what do you mean she was with him?" Xavier asks.

Seriously? JJ didn't tell him? Idiot.

"Sean's her cousin. He came in here last week and took off with her," Lucas explains.

"Anyway, we remembered that she had been with him. He had been forcing himself on her. Which means he had to have gotten her pregnant," Landon says.

"How many times has she gotten sick since you moved her? How often?" I question.

"I don't know. She's gotten sick quite a few times, but I can't really give you times," Xavier says while looking at the three of us, clearly trying to figure out if we're lying.

Landon sighs before saying, "If you don't believe us, ask JJ. He's the one who brought her back. Or ask her. She's the one it happened to."

Xavier looks over at JJ, but he's avoiding eye contact.


"Hmm?" He still isn't looking at Xavier.

"Is this true?"

"Uhh maybe..?" He finally looks at Xavier, and gives him a small, guilty smile.

"Damnit, JJ! This is the kind of stuff you need to tell me about!" Xavier hits JJ in the back of the head, before turning around and leaving, mumbling incoherent things.

"I'll go see if Charlie has any tests, and if she doesn't, I'll have her go buy some," JJ sighs before also leaving, locking the door again.

"Damnit. What are we going to do if she is pregnant? This isn't good," I say while sitting on the bed.

"I don't know," Landon says.

"I really hope she isn't," Lucas slides down to the floor, sitting against the wall.

"I guess all we can do now is wait, and just hope..." I say as I lay down, slowly falling asleep.

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