Positive or negative?

10 1 1

Kailey's pov

It's been about four days now since Xavier locked me in this room, and I've been throwing up nonstop.

Charlie came and brought me a couple pregnancy tests three days ago, but I refused to use them, because I don't want to know if I'm pregnant.

Because this time, if I am, I'll know exactly who's baby it is.

I can't be pregnant. I just can't. I don't want to be pregnant from this monster.

I've finally had enough, and I've finally decided that I'll take the tests, even though I already know I'm pregnant.

I get off the floor, and walk over to the door, knocking on it.

"What do you need, kid?" The guard on the other side asks.

"Umm, can you get Charlie for me please?"

"What do you need her for? She's very busy at the moment. Plus, I doubt she'd want to see you. You're just a whiny child," he says, and he and the other guard chuckle.

"It's... personal stuff. But I really need to talk to her. It's important."

"If it's so important, why don't you just tell me? Then I'll go get Charlie if need be."

"I told you. It's personal stuff. Can you please just go get her?" I'm getting irritated now.

"Sorry, kid. I'm not going to go get her," he says, and everything goes silent.

"Fine. Then can you get me JJ or Xavier?"

"I guess I'll get Xavier for you."

"Thank you," I say as I hear his descending footsteps.

A few minutes later, the door unlocks, and Xavier walks in.

"Did you need something?" He asks while looking me up and down.

"I need Charlie."

"Why didn't you just ask for her instead of wasting my time," he rolls his eyes at me and goes back to the door.

"I did. But the guards said they wouldn't get her for me."

"Useless people," he says under his breath.

"Alright, I'll go get Charlie. She'll be here in about 5 minutes," he says while walking out and shutting the door.

"Thanks!" I call out.

A while later, Charlie finally comes into the room.

"Hey, Little Kay. I heard you need me. What's up?" She asks as she leans against the door frame, and blows a bubble with her gum.

"Yeah. Umm I'm going to take those tests now, and I don't really want to be by myself when I do it. And, well, you're a girl, so I figured you could maybe stay with me...?" I whisper, because the door is still open, and I don't want the guards to hear.

"Oh shit. Yeah. Yes, of course I'll stay. Let's get you into the bathroom," she says as she quickly shuts the door, and we walk into the bathroom.

"Alright, I'll be standing right outside the door if you need me."

"When I'm done, can you stay with me until the results are ready? I'm really scared to look," I say with tears in my eyes.

"Especially since I already know what the results will be," I whisper while looking away from her.

"Of course I'll stay. I'll stand right outside the door, and when you're finished, tell me and I'll come back in. Ok?"

"Yes. Thanks, Charlie."

"Anytime, Sweetie," she winks at me before walking out, and closing the door behind her.

*10 minutes later*

Results have been ready for a few minutes now, but I'm too scared to look. Charlie has offered to look at it first, but I haven't let her.

"Sweetie, are you ok? Don't you want to look at the results...?"

"What? Oh, yeah. Uhh I'll look in a second. I'm just scared is all," I say as I reach for the test.

I turn it over to see the results....

The day her heart shattered 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ