Back to California

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Quintin's pov

I hate myself so much. I knew I shouldn't have worked with Xavier, but I couldn't risk it. He threatened to kill Kailey if I didn't help him.

I couldn't risk her life like that. Kailey's my best friend, and she always will be.

It's been almost two months since I helped Xavier in his plan to kidnap her. Dad and I have been trying everything to find her, but he just disappeared. Dad hasn't gotten anymore messages from him, either.

About a week ago, I saw her on the news; in front of Luna's house with Lily beside her, which was odd, because normally Luna is always by her side.

As soon as I saw her, I went and got dad, and we immediately got in the car, and drove to California, all the way from New York.

I tried to convince him to take a plane because it would be faster, but no. He insisted on driving, so that's what we did.

It took us two days to get to California, where we immediately drove to San Diego where Luna's family lives.

But, by the time we got to Luna's, everyone was gone. Jamie? Gone. Logan? Gone. The triplets? Gone. And you guessed it, Kailey was gone too.

When we found the house empty, we got back in the car and drove to our beach house instead, so we could continue looking.

Now, after a week, we still have absolutely nothing on her, and no idea where she could possibly be. All of their things were still in the house, so something happened.

Either they left in a hurry, and didn't have time to pack, or they were all taken somehow...

I really hope it's the first thing, because if they were all taken, we'll never find them.

"Damnit!" I yell as I throw papers across the room.

"It's been a week and we haven't found anything on her! What the hell do you think happened, dad?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"I honestly don't know, Quin," he says while sighing, and running a hand through his hair.

"We need to find her, dad!"

"Damnit, I know, Quintin! I fucking know, alright? I'm trying! I've been working day and night to find your damn sister. I'm trying my hardest, and everyday, all you do is yell at me! If you want to find her so damn bad, why don't you start fucking helping instead of yelling at me!"

That's it. His anger finally got the best of him. I've been yelling at him for the past week, and he's finally tired of my shit.

"I'm sorry, dad. I just really can't lose her. I've already been away from her for five years, I don't want it to be any longer. She's my best friend, and it feels like I've lost a piece of myself...." My voice cracks.

"I know, Quintin. And I'm sorry for snapping at you. But you have to understand, I'm trying my hardest to find her. I'm doing everything I can, but I need you to calm down. If you keep yelling at me every day, I won't be able to find anything. So, I need you to keep your calm for now. Ok?" He says in a calm voice.

A voice that reminds me of when my mom would tell Kailey and I stories at night. She had the softest voice, and it was soothing to hear her talk. Kailey and I would fall asleep fast, just hearing our mother talk.

It makes me miss when we were little. I miss my childhood. I miss my mom. I miss school. I miss everything. But right now, the thing I miss most, is my best friend. I need to find Kailey, and I need to find her quickly.

"Ok," I respond back with a small smile, before leaving the house, and going back to the house I haven't seen in five damn years

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