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Quintin's pov

I'm now leaving my childhood house for the very last time. This is the fourth time I've been back here since I came looking for Kailey.

I've finally gotten everything cleaned out, and dad and I are getting ready to sell it. This will be the last time I ever come back to this house.

As I'm walking back home, I see a dark silhouette walking down the street, on the opposite side. As the person gets closer, I notice that it's Landon.

"Hey, asshole!" I yell as I storm over to him.

The second he turns to face me, I punch him square in the jaw.

"What the hell?" He looks at me in anger and confusion, but then it turns to grief and sadness seconds after.

"Where the hell is my sister?" I demand.

"What are you talking about, Ace?" He asks while shaking his head, continuing to walk.

"Don't call me that," I growl. "And I'm talking about my sister. Where the hell is Kailey? I know she was with you guys," I say as I glare at him.

"I'm not in the mood for this shit, Quintin."

"Well I don't care. I know Lynn was with you. I saw her on the news, in front of your house, with Lily beside her. So where is she?"

"She gone, ok?! Fuck. Now leave me alone," he snaps and then starts running.

"Oh hell no! Get your ass over here, Baker!" I yell as I chase after him.

I eventually catch up to him, and tackle him to the ground. I sit on his stomach, and see that he's crying.

Why the hell is he crying? Landon never cries...

"Where is my sister?" I seethe at him.

"She's gone! I already told you!" He says through tears.

"What do you mean 'gone'?"

"I mean she's dead. Your sister is dead, Quintin," he says as he pushes me off of him, and stands back up, not looking at me.

"H-how? How is she dead? What the fuck did you do to her, Baker?!"

"I didn't do anything to her!"

"Then how is she dead? Because last time I checked, she had been with you!"

"That was months ago!" He yells back at me.

"But she was still with you! So tell me, what did you and your family do to Lynn?" I cross my arms over my chest, tears beginning to fall down my face.

"Quintin, I can't right now. Let's just talk about this tomorrow," he says as he turns back around, trying to walk away again, but I stop him.

"No. We're talking about this now. How is Kailey dead?"

He sighs before running a hand down his tear streaked face.

"Fine. Let's go," he says as he begins walking.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I fall into step with him.

"To my house," is the only reply I get.

Once we get to his house, he unlocks the door, and walks in, with me following closely behind.

We walk into the living room, and he sits on one of the couches, so I sit on the one opposite of him.

"Lily! Lucas! Mom! Dad! Come downstairs. I need to talk to you!" Landon yells as he runs a hand through his hair.

Seconds later, I hear multiple sets of footsteps pounding down the stairs, and coming our way.

"What's up, Lan?" Lucas asks the second he turns the corner, before his eyes land on me, and he freezes.

"Hey, Landon," Lily says right before she sees me, and freezes as well.

"What do you need, Landon?" I hear Jamie ask as she walks in as well, before she also locks eyes with me and freezes.

"For crying out loud people. Why are we all just standing in the middle of the walk way? Go sit down," Logan says as he pushes past everyone.

It's not until he's finally seated next to Landon that he notices me, and tenses up.


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