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Oliver's pov

After a few minutes of everybody yelling, I realized what the triplets were saying.

Charlie planned the sûîcîd3. She specifically told Kailey certain things, that made her feel like she had no other choice...

"Charlotte Elizabeth-Anne Wright." Everybody stares at me the moment I say this, while she slowly turns her head, looking terrified.

"What the hell were you thinking? Why the fuck would you do that?" I question her as she stands back up.

"I- I didn't mean-"

"You damn well did mean to. Why did you do it, Elizabeth?" I snap at her.

I see her flinch at the name, because she knows she's in trouble. I never call my siblings by their middle names unless they're in deep shit.

"Because I didn't like her!" She finally breaks as she just starts sobbing.

"I didn't like her, ok? Is that what you wanted to hear?!" She yells at us, the triplets in particular.

"What?" The triplets ask at the same time.

"I thought you two had become friends....?" JJ asks, his voice breaking.

"No! I never was her friend. I only acted like I was her friend for you!" She points at JJ.

"Because you two were in love with each other. If you two hadn't been so in love, I would've never spent all that time with her. I never would've 'made friends' with her," she basically spits out.

"So it was fake? All of it? Everything you said to her? Everything you helped her with? It was all fake?" I can see JJ doing his best to hold himself back from doing whatever stupid thing it is that he wants to do.

"Of course it was."

"Why didn't you like her?" Lily.

"Why did you lie?" Lucas.

"Why are we talking about hating Kailey, when there's only one person in this room that we hate?" Landon, of course. Because he doesn't know when to shut up.

"Landon!" Lily and Lucas yell as they smack him.

"Ugh, fine. Why the hell did you hate Kailey? What made you hate her so much, that you made her commit? What the hell did she ever do to you?" Landon switches up real quick.

"I was jealous! She had you two," Charlie points at Landon and Lucas, "wrapped around her fingers! You two gave her whatever the hell she wanted. You did everything for her," she seethes.

"All I ever wanted was to be loved by someone like that! She had three men," she points as JJ, Lucas and Landon, "giving her everything. She had three men going after her. She had three men who treated her like a princess. She had three men who cared about her and loved her!"

She's crying again.

"So yes. I planned it. I made sure to say the right words. I made sure that the only option she had was suîcîd3. Because I was jealous. All I wanted was to be loved and cared for like that."

"I wanted a man who would treat me like that. I wanted a man who would do anything for me, and give everything to me. And here she was, having three men," she scoffs at the end, clearly angering herself more.

"What do you mean 'she had three men'?" Lucas asks.

"I mean exactly what I said. She had three men," Charlie's now leaning against the wall, arms crossed at her chest.

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