The final goodbye

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Landon's pov

*4 months later- July 20*

It's officially been four months since Kailey committed, which means four months of pain.

About a month after the 'incident,' Oliver let us all go. He released us, and told us we can stay away forever. We're free to leave, and never come back.

So that's what we did. The five of us; mom, dad, Lily, Lucas and I all left England, and came back to California.

The first thing we did when we got back, was go to the cemetery to visit Luna and Kailey's graves.

We sat there for hours, just crying and questioning where everything went wrong.

Now, today is their birthday. They're supposed to be 18 today. We baked two small cakes, and went to the cemetery.

We put the cakes down in front of their graves, and just sat there. We sang happy birthday, and then blew out the candles that my mother insisted we put on.

"Landon, we're leaving. Come on," dad says as he holds his hand out to help me up.

"Can I stay a little longer? I'll just walk home. It's only a couple blocks," I say, not looking at him.

"Yeah, sure," he says.

He then puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "it'll be alright, Lan. Stay here as long as you need, but not long enough that you'll hurt yourself more."

"I know, dad," I say while looking up at him.

He gives me the smallest smile, and then ruffles my hair. "Stay safe," is all he says, before he, my mom, and my siblings get in the car, and drive back home.

I look back down at their graves, and read the words on the headstones for the millionth time now.

Luna's headstone:

'In loving memory of Luna Christine Baker.
A daughter, a sister, and a best friend.
July 20th, 2002 - March 3, 2019
"I can't wait to see you again, and when I do, you'll get the biggest hug.'"

Kailey's headstone:

'In loving memory of Kailey Lynn Johnson.
July 20th, 2002 - March 15, 2020
"Don't think of me as dead, just think of me as living in my final home.'"

"Why did you two do it? I know you thought it was the only way out, but it wasn't. There were other options. But why? Just why would you do it? I need you two," a tear slowly falls down my cheek.

"I need you two, and you're gone. Now I'm stuck with Lily forever," I give a slight laugh through the tears.

"I miss you guys. I wish you would've just talked to me, instead of doing this. I could've helped you. I love you guys so much, and it breaks my heart that this is the way you chose to end your pain. I'll love you forever. Goodbye. Until we meet again," I say as I stand up, and do probably the weirdest thing I've ever done.

I kiss the top of their headstones, just like I used to kiss the top of their heads.

"I love you two. I'll come back tomorrow," and then I leave.

I walk out of the cemetery, and I make my way home, trying to think of ways to annoy Lily, while trying to get my mind off of them....

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