Depression and regrets

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Landon's pov

*2 months later- March 8*

It's been two months since Kailey gave birth, which means two months since Camden was taken away forever.

Kailey has been severely depressed since then, and she hardly talks to anyone anymore. She'll say a few words, a few sentences at most; and then she's quiet again.

It's been three months since we've last seen JJ, and she cries for him almost every night.

Yes, she said she wanted him out of her life, but she was pissed off at that time. And when she's pissed-just like Lily- you don't want to mess with her.

I may not like JJ, and I may hate him, but I can't see Kailey like this, crying for him every night. It's enough seeing her all depressed because of Richard, I can't see her hurt even more because of JJ.

I can tell he makes her happy, and I don't want my hate for him to effect her relationship with him.

I look over at her from my bed, to see her sitting against the wall, knees pulled up to her chest, staring out the window again.

I sigh before looking over at my siblings.

"We need to get him to come back," I say, interrupting their conversation that I tuned out of, to watch Kailey.


"Who?" They both ask at the same time.

"JJ," I explain.

"We need to get him to come back here. I mean seriously, have you seen Kailey? She cries for him every night. I can see that she regrets what she said to him. And I know you two can as well. Yes, we may hate him. But we shouldn't let our hate get in the way of their relationship."

"Landon," Lily says.

"Lan, do you really think that's the best idea? Have you seen how depressed she is? Have you even noticed how she barely talks to us anymore? Us, Landon! Us! She's already so depressed," Lucas says, turning back to Lily to continue their conversation.

"Yes, I know she's depressed. I watch her every damn day! I watch her as she sits by that window, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks outside. I watch as the tears roll down her face while walking in and out of the bathroom. I watch as she cries and calls for JJ every night as she falls asleep!"

"I watch as she cries for her son! I can see how fucking depressed she is. But if we don't get JJ back in here, how can we help some of that go away?" I snap at him.

"Landon, you do have a point, yes. But if she won't talk to us, what makes you think she'll talk to JJ?" Lily asks.

"I don't know if she'll talk to him. She might completely ignore him. She might just stare at him. She might apologize. They might have a make out session. They might have sex. I don't know! But we have to try. Please!" I plead with them.

"I can't see her like this anymore..." I say as I quickly glance at her before turning my attention back to my siblings.

"Fine," Lucas and Lily say at the same time, sighing.

"Thank you," I sigh in relief, before getting off the bed and going over to the door.

I knock on the door for a moment before the guard asks what I need.

"I need JJ, please," I say to him.

"JJ's busy at the moment," the guard says.

"Please, it's important," Lucas says as he stands beside me.

"I'm sorry, but he's busy. I won't bother him while he's busy. Especially not for some needy ass kids," I can just tell from his voice that he's rolling his eyes.

"That's it," Lily says as she stomps over.

"If you don't go get JJ and bring him here right fucking now, I will break down this fucking door and beat your ass, and then go get him. I'm not playing with you. So either go get him, or I'll do it myself," she hisses as she pounds on the door.

When are people going to learn to never piss Lily off? It never ends well! I roll my eyes at my thoughts.

"Fine, I'll go get him," the guard says, and I can hear the faintest bit of fear in his voice.

"Thank you," Lily says with a sweet, innocent smile, like she didn't just threaten someone.

Crazy psycho.

The three of us walk back over to my bed and sit on it, beginning a new conversation while waiting for JJ.

"So, we have JJ. I think at least?" Lily questions, which I understand. I myself, don't know if he'll agree to come.

"But what are we going to do about baby Teagan? We can't help her with that. He's with his family somewhere totally different."

"That I don't know," I admit.

"Well you definitely need to figure something out," a voice says from behind us, causing all three of our heads to turn his way.

"She doesn't look well at all," he says while shaking his head, walking towards her, and stopping a few feet away from her, tilting his head to study her.

He then turns to us and raises a brow before asking, "Why did you three call me in here? All four of you hate me, and Kailey mentioned she never wanted to see me again. But my guard said it was important, and I can now see that it was," he looks over at Kailey.

"She regrets everything she said that night," is all Lily says.

"Does she really? Because it sure as hell sounded to me like she meant every word she said," JJ says with a laugh.

"She cries for you every night," I say, gaining his attention.

"Every night, she calls out your name, crying while profusely apologizing."

"She never really wanted you gone," Lucas says. "She was just pissed off."

He looks at the three of us for a moment, trying to see if we're joking. Once he sees that we aren't, he walks over and sits down in front of Kailey.

She slowly turns her head to look at him before looking back out the window.


And that's all that needs to be said for her to finally break. The moment he says her name, she breaks down and begins sobbing into her arms wrapped around her knees.

She then looks up through teary eyes and whispers, "JJ," before crawling into his arms, and sobbing into his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry..."

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