The final blinding white light

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Kailey's pov

*1 year later- in the other world*

As I look down upon the triplets, Jamie, and Logan, I can see how happy they are.

They're still sad and depressed about my whole suîcîd3, but I think they've finally come to the realization that I'm never coming back.

I'm watching them right now as they walk around the mall.

Lily: fangirling over all the cute boys she sees.

Lucas: laughing at Lily, and just looking happy to be there.

Landon: staying right by Lily's side, being that over protective brother I know, scaring off all the boys that even come close to her.

And finally, Jamie and Logan: they look really happy. I can see that they're still hurting, but I can tell that they're happy. They're happy that their kids are happy, and this makes me smile.

I watch as a cute boy tries to walk up to Lily, but Landon and Lucas step in front of her, and talk to the kid, scaring him and making him run away. Lily throws her hands up in the air then sits down with her ice cream.

Sometimes, I miss the real world. I miss being with my family. But I'm happy where I'm at right now.

I'm at peace now.

My pain is gone.

All of it.

Im not in any more pain anymore.

Now, I'm just here. Now, I'm just this girl who can sit up here, and watch over her family. See what they're doing, laugh at the things the triplets do. I can just sit here and watch them, and I can do it all without getting hurt.

I think that's the part I love most about what I did. Yes, I took the easy way out, but it was needed. I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I was in too much pain, that I just couldn't do it anymore.

But now here I am, happy, and pain free.

"Kailey!" I hear the familiar voice of my mother shouting.

I turn around to find her, Emily, my grandmother, and Luna all standing there, just crying while looking at me.

"I'm home," I say with tears in my eyes.

This is the first time I've seen them. I've been dead for a little over a year now, and I've looked all over to find them, but I never could. But now here they are, all four of them, standing right here in front of me.

"I'm home," I say again as I run towards them.

Luna breaks away from their little group and runs towards me.

We hug each other as tight as we possibly can, not wanting to let go in fear of losing each other again.

"I finally found you! I finally found all of you!" I say after Luna and I stop hugging.

I then run over to my mother, my sister, and my grandmother, and hug them all tightly as well.

"Kailey! Kailey, you're here! You're with me again!" Em shouts.

I pick her up and spin her around before hugging her tight, and putting her back down.

"That's right my little monkey. I'm back."

"Let's all go home now," Luna says as she grabs my hand.

"All of us. Together," and with that, the five of us all grab each others hands, and we take a step towards the final blinding white light.

Together, the five of us continue walking towards the final light, and walk closer to our final home. All we have left to do now, is wait for the rest of our family to join us.

And we'll be here; in our final resting place, waiting for them to arrive so we can greet them, and all be together again.

At last, we're right in front of the door to our home, and we stop. We all look at each other before smiling, and walking into the light, hand-in-hand.

My mom, Emily, and my grandmother, all break away from Luna and I. They look back at the two of us before they make their way to our home.

And I fall to the ground, with Luna by my side.

I'm officially at peace. I'm officially pain free. I'm back with my best friend again. I'm finally reunited with my family, and I couldn't be happier.

Here I go, taking my final step with Luna. Taking my final step into the light with Luna's hand in mine, and we step into the light....

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