Too many emotions

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Lily's pov

A short while after JJ left, he came back, once again, to talk with Kailey.

"Kailey, I need to talk to you," he says while walking towards her.

"So talk," she says without looking at him, staring out the window again.

She seems to do that quite a bit. She rarely leaves that corner.

"I meant in private. Alone. Away from people," he shoots a glance at my brothers and I.

I open my mouth to say something, but Kailey beats me to it. "They're not going anywhere, if that's what you're thinking."


"She said she's not going anywhere, so either talk, or leave," Lucas says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine," he sighs.

He sits down in front of her, while my brothers and I sit next to her.

"What do you need, JJ? I'm busy," Kailey says.

"Busy? Busy with what? Looking out the window?" He laughs at her, and I slap him.

"Sorry," he whispers to me.

"Well, number 1, we need to finish our conversation from earlier. Number two, I have something that I need to tell you. Something I should've told you a long time ago," at this, Kailey finally looks away from the window, and looks at him.

"I'm listening."

"No. We're finishing our conversation from earlier, first. Why the hell were you with Carson?"

"I was talking to him. There. Conversation over. What did you need to tell me?"

"Kailey," he says in a warning tone.

"I was telling him the truth about the twins-"

"What do you mean the truth?" He cuts her off.

"That's what I'm trying to explain, so shut up," she glares at him, making him shut his mouth.

"Anyway," she rolls her eyes as she looks at him.

"I was telling him something I should've told him three years ago. I told him that I didn't truly know if the twins were his. I told him about Sean, what he did, and how he threatened Luna."

"He was pissed at the fact that I hadn't told him. He told me that Luna being threatened is no reason to not tell him something that important. I told him that I would never risk her life, and I would never put someone over my family," she says while trying to hold back tears.

"He kept yelling at me and telling me that she's not my family, but my best friend. He wouldn't listen to anything I was saying."

"What did he say about you being pregnant?" I ask, knowing that there's no way he wouldn't say anything.

"Yeah, I know he wouldn't just sit there and say nothing about that," Landon says.

"I honestly don't even understand. He was pissed when he saw that I was pregnant. I'm not sure why he cares so much, when he didn't care this much when I was pregnant with the twins," she rolls her eyes.

"Anyway, he kept demanding to know who the father is. When I told him it was Sean, and told him who Sean is, he started yelling at me basically telling me that I was crazy for having sex with my cousin," she starts laughing at this, and it's making me scared...

"He actually thinks I would willingly have sex with my cousin," she laughing more now, and I can tell everyone's freaked out.

Lucas and Landon have backed away from her, I've stood up and took a few steps back, and JJ just looks absolutely terrified.

"Ok, Kailey, I think you should maybe calm down a little bit..." Lucas says, daring to get closer, but she just laughs even harder, causing everyone to back up even more.

"What do we do when she does this?" JJ looks between Landon, Lucas, and I with fear in his eyes.

"I don't know!" I say.

"Beats me!" Lucas says.

"I don't know. I think she seems pretty cool like this," Landon says while shrugging.

"Landon!" Lucas and I yell together.

"Ok, fine! I don't know what to do! She's never done this before!"

After about a minute of laughing, she stops, and starts crying instead.

"He really thinks I would willingly have sex with Sean," she says as she puts her head in her hands.

"Princess," Landon says as he walks back over and sits next to her, wrapping her in his arms.

"I would never do that. I could never do that. I hate him," she spits out between sobs.

After a while of the four of us; Lucas, Landon, JJ, and I, consoling and soothing Kailey, she finally falls asleep.

Lucas stands up and picks her up from Landon's lap, and he carries her over to our bed. Kailey and I share a bed, while Lucas and Landon share the other.

Once he's gotten her situated in bed, he backs up a little, and we all just stare at her.

"I'm going to go now. I will come back one more time, to take Kailey to kill someone, and then I won't be coming back. Tell Kailey I'm sorry. For everything," JJ says as he takes one last look at us, before walking out the door, locking the four of us in again.

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