Sarcastic Landon and crazy Kailey

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Lucas's pov

Before JJ left with Kailey earlier, he warned us that she'll probably be crying a lot, freaking out, and talking to herself when she came back, due to the fact that she's taking someone's life for the first time.

But that is definitely not what she's doing right now.

Right now, she's laughing uncontrollably.

JJ brought her back about 2 hours ago, and she hasn't stopped laughing.

Since then, Charlie and Xavier have come into the room to speak with her, but clearly that plan flew out the window the moment they walked in here, but they decided to stay anyway.

So we are all currently sitting on the floor, quite a few feet away from Kailey, while she just sits next to the window, laughing and laughing.

Every once in a while, we all look at each other, hoping one of us will know what to do and how to stop this, but nobody does. I've never seen Kailey like this before.

I think she's finally gone crazy.

"Ok, we need to do something about this. Because she can not keep doing this. This can't be healthy," Xavier says as he stands up, and this gains Kailey's attention.

How the hell? We can be sitting here yelling her name, tapping on her, hitting the wall next to her, moving her, or be right in front of her, and she won't notice that. But the second Xavier says this, that gets her attention? Weird ass.

"Don't you dare do anything to me!" She says while pointing a finger at him, talking like a toddler.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Lily asks as she turns to face JJ, who surprisingly, decided not to leave.

"Is she drunk? Did you give her beer? Can I get some?" Of course Landon has to ask this.

"Landon, for fucks sake, shut up!" I glare at him. Now is not the time to be making these jokes.

"No, I didn't give her anything to drink," JJ replies. "I don't know what's wrong with her. I've done nothing."

"What happened to her? What happened down in the basement?" I ask.

"Who did she kill? I want to kill someone. I want in on the fun!" Landon laughs.

"Landon, shut up!" Lily and I yell together as I push him.

"She killed Sean," JJ says.

"Wait, who even is Sean?" Charlie asks.

Right. I forgot she knows nothing.

"Yeah, I still don't understand what happened with him," Xavier says.

"I only kept him down there because I was doing what JJ said. Normally I wouldn't listen to him, but it sounded very important. But he wouldn't tell me," he glares at JJ.

All JJ does is shrug in response.

"Well, Charlie. Sean is, wait no. Sean was my cousin," Kailey says as she starts laughing again. "But I killed him."

Charlie looks between Landon, Lily, and I as if we have all the answers.

Well, I guess we do, but we don't know everything.

"Ok, I'll start from the top, I guess," I sigh as I run a hand down my face.

"Kailey has hated Sean ever since we were little. We never knew why she hated him so much, until just recently, right before these two," I point at Xavier and JJ, "brought us here."

*30 minutes later*

Lily, Landon, and I, are finally finished telling the story, and now all of us, me and my siblings, JJ, Charlie, and Xavier, are all watching Kailey sleep.

She fell asleep a while ago, shortly after we started the story. She suddenly stopped laughing, crawled over to JJ, curled up in his lap like a dog, and simply fell asleep.

"What are we going to do about her?" Landon asks, breaking the silence.

"I'll just put her in bed and leave. All four of you hate me, and will be kicking me out sooner or later," JJ says as he begins to stand up, but is stopped by Kailey's whimpers.

"N-o. Please, daddy. I don't want to," she whimpers as tears begin falling down her cheeks.

JJ slowly lowers himself back down, as we all watch Kailey closely.

"Daddy, no! Don't leave me with him! Please!" I look over at Landon and Lily to see if they might know what this is, but they don't.

"Mama, please come help me! Tyler. Daddy. Somebody. Just please, come help me," she's crying more now.

"Sean, no. Please no. Stop, please. I don't want to."

And that was that. She stopped whimpering and talking after that. She went completely silent after that.

Now, we're all just waiting for her to wake up, so we can figure this out.

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