JJ to the rescue

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JJ's pov

*still 2 days ago*

After the triplets told me everything about this Sean person and that he took Kailey, I stormed out of the room and went to the security room to find Charlie.

I doubt he would've taken her to a room nearby, and this place is huge, so the quickest way to find her is by having Charlie look at the cameras.

"Charlie," I say as soon as I walk into the security room.

"What's up, J?" She asks as I sit down in the chair next to her.

"I need you to find Kailey for me."

"What do you mean? Didn't you already bring her back here?" She asks, confused.

"I did, yes. And I locked her in the room with the triplets. I went in the-"

"What? Triplets? I don't know any triplets," she cuts me off.

"That's not relevant right now. I'll explain that later. Anyway, I went into the room about 15 minutes ago, and she wasn't there. The triplets said that her cousin had come in and taken her. I need you to find her, because I don't know what he'll do to her, and I don't even know who he is."

"Alright, I'll look. What do you mean you don't know what he'll do?" She asks as she turns to her computers and starts typing.

"Apparently he used to force himself on her. From the time she was 6, until she was 14."

Charlie's eyes go wide as she begins typing faster. "Shit. You should've just started with that, you idiot. I'll find her. Just give me like 5 minutes."

After 15 minutes Charlie finally says, "Alright. I don't know exactly where they are, all I know is that they went to one of the lower levels. As you know, there are 3 floors underground, including the basement. And there's at least 200 rooms on each floor," she says as she turns to look at me.

"Damnit! Of course he would take her there. He obviously wanted to make sure nobody could stop him. Shit!" I yell as I run out of the room and head to the stairs.

It's already well past 5 in the morning, and I want to find her as soon as I can. I want so bad to kill that fucker if he lays one hand on my Angel, but I  know the triplets want to kill him more, and I won't deny them that.

He's hurting their sister, and a sister is so much more important than a girlfriend. Or an ex-girlfriend in our situation.

*the next day*

It took me about a day to find her, because he took her down to the basement, where he found a random bedroom down there, and made it his own.

When I found them, he was on top of her and she was crying and begging him to stop. I ran into the room and shoved him off the bed, before uncuffing, and picking up a sobbing Kailey, taking her back upstairs.

I took her to my room first to check on her and make sure she's ok. She told me multiple times that she was alright, but just really sore, so I gave her some pain pills.

Once I was finally convinced (which took a few hours) I took her and locked her back up with the triplets.

As soon as they saw her, they ran over to me and Lucas took her out of my arms, and walked over to the bed, setting her on it. Landon and Lily thanked me for finding and saving her, and then I left, leaving them to do whatever.

I'll go check on her again in a few hours, and give her more pain pills.

After leaving the room, I went to the security room to go talk to Charlie.

"Hey, J," she says when I sit down next to her.

"What can I do for you today?" She turns to face me.

"Do you know anything about Kailey's past? Any past boyfriends? Anything at all?"

"I do. It's been a little while since I've looked it up, but I should have it anytime between 15-30 minutes. I'll call you when I have it," she says as she turns back to the computers.

"Thanks, Char." I stand up and kiss her forehead before walking out, and going back to my room.

Once I get to my room, I immediately go to my closet and get the scrapbook of Kailey and I. I then walk over to my bed and look through it.

The very first picture in it is the day she was released from the hospital. We went out to the park, and just sat there watching the kids play.

She said she didn't want to go home right away, because she was tired of being stuck inside.

One of my favorite pictures of us is our third date. That's the day I asked her to officially be my girlfriend. We were at the beach and she was on my back, arms out wide, and she had the biggest smile on her face.

The very last picture that we took was the day before I broke up with her. We were at the book store and she was going around picking all the books, which happened to be about 15.

I told her I would carry them for her, but she argued with me. Eventually we came up with I would take half and she would take the rest. When we got back to her house, we put the books in a circle around us on the floor, and took a picture like that.

I miss those times, and everyday I regret breaking up with her. But I did it for her own good. I couldn't let her get hurt. But it seems like she was in much more danger after I left.

I should've just taken her with me. I can see that now...

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